Completed categories are highlighted in green. If part of a category is complete, the completed parts will be highlighted in green and the remaining parts will be highlighted in yellow.

Minimums for the categories are as follows:
1st F Posts: 29
1st F Qs: 1
1st F Total: 30
2nd F Total: 5
3rd F Total: 3
Grand Total: 65


PostsQsAway Post BonusOther BonusTotal
1st F20002
2nd F20002
3rd F00000

1st F

DateSite-SessionPostsQsAway Post BonusOther BonusTotal
2020-01-20Faith Hill-110001
2020-02-26Pride Rock-110001
1st F Totals20002

2nd F

DateSite-SessionPostsQsAway Post BonusTotal
2020-01-20Dunkin' Donuts-11001
2020-02-26Jo Jo's-SYL-11001
2nd F Totals2002

3rd F

DateSite-SessionPostsQsAway Post BonusTotal
3rd F Totals0000