Getting Back to the Gloom

F3 Toledo PAX:
As the state has decided to slowly begin opening things back up from our Stay At Home Order, the Leadership Team feels it’s time for us to open our AO’s again. It’s not going to be like it was in May 2019, but it will be an opportunity for us to get back to our Mission and gain some momentum. While the Virtual Workouts have kept us engaged and active, physical proximity can’t be replicated, and it’s time to get back to the gloom!
Many of our AO’s are unavailable for us to use, mainly in Sylvania, so there are going to be some changes in locations. Pay attention to the calendar events in GroupMe so you know where to go for the beatdown. It may be a little confusing at first, but we’ll develop a pattern that works given the restraints we are working under.
All beatdowns must follow these guidelines which are in line with the recommendations of the state order:
- All workout groups should be less than 10 PAX. If more than 10 post, the workout should be split in half and proceed to different areas of the AO. In some cases, a second Q may be necessary.
- Remain separate even for COT. Should more than one COT group be needed, please host COT at least 100 yards from each other.
- Maintain 6 feet distance at all times between pax, including COT.
- No shared coupons, shared equipment, partner exercises, or Ball of Man.
- If you are sick, or have been around anyone that is sick, do not post in person.
- Remember the disclaimer: We are not professionals, this is a free workout, each pax participates at his own risk, modify as needed. We acknowledge that there is a new risk we all face, COVID-19. Again, each man assumes his own risk when he posts.
- HC in GroupMe so the Q can plan accordingly (see rule 1)
Our mission is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. We are a leadership organization and we should lead by example. We ask that you take these guidelines seriously. Public perception is important and critical to the success of our Mission. We don’t want to be perceived as reckless and risk harming F3’s image in the community. These guidelines are necessary to enable us to stay on Mission and get back to normal as fast as possible.
While the Leadership Team believes it’s safe for us to start ramping back up, we realize that individuals may not feel ready. Differences of opinion are normal and each PAX needs to decide for himself what he is comfortable with. Virtual workouts will continue for those that aren’t quite ready to post at an AO. Please be respectful of everyone’s choice. There is no perfect answer right now as we are navigating through unprecedented times. Do what you feel is right and understand not everyone will feel the same way that you do.
This is the first step. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, everything will be back to normal. There’s no replacement for meeting in the early morning and getting the day started with the men of F3 Toledo. Let’s get moving…SYITG!!