Southview High School

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Date(s) - 12/03/2017
6:00 am - 6:45 am

The Q:
Sipe and Nails

Southview High School



1 reply
  1. Don Birsen
    Don Birsen says:

    Backblast for Sunday, 12/03
    Five PAX rolled out of bed early to participate in this beatdown of a morning under the full moon. Here is a rundown of what they took on.

    Warmup: SS Hops x 20 in cadence, suicide with 4 cones spaced at 25 yards, 100 yards total, side shuffle down, sprint back.

    Then it was off to practice field with weights in hand.
    Count up/count down drill: 1-10 burpees; sprint 55 yrds; 10-1 forward lung L/R all with weights in hand.

    Next mosey to building wall:
    In cadence: donkey kick x 10, floor touch x 10, plank in/out x 10, hold squat for 1 minute, inverted mountain climber (handstand with feet against wall) x 10.

    Next, teams of two , one PAX does exercise while other PAX sprint to cone and back, team combines for total count:
    SS Hop x 200
    Jump Squat x 200
    Mountain Climbers x 150

    Participating PAX: Gap, Sipe, Mayor, Valdez, Sideshow

    Prayer Intentions: Cobra’s Sister, Romano’s wife and family, Mayor’s neighbor.
    Closing Prayer; Thanks to God for ability to come out and be a part of F3 and perform exercises. Ask Holy Spirit to put us in position to show the face of God to others. Bless those affected by cancer. Holy Spirit to carry us when we are weak


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