Riverside Park (The Wall)

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Date(s) - 05/10/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Riverside Park


boot camp, Perrysburg

Boot camp style workout. On the River. Amazing way to watch the sun come up and start the day with sweat pouring over your rejuvenated soul. Some ramps, lots of steps, a little concrete, a little grass, all the fixens for beautifully scripted beatdown!

You have to park at Hood Park, Downtown Perrysburg, or one of the side streets (i.e. Cherry, Walnut, or Second Street).


1 reply
  1. Jonathan "Bourbon" Burns
    Jonathan "Bourbon" Burns says:

    05/10/2018 – 2621 Formations:

    Date: 05/10/2018
    Time: 5:30 – 6:15 AM
    Location: The Wall – RiverSide Park

    Q: Bourbon
    PAX: Stark, Venom, Bambi, TuPac, Casper, Bourbon (Q)

    F3 Mission: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith; To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership

    Principles of F3:
    • It must be free of charge
    • It must be open to all men
    • It must be held outdoor, rain or shine, hot or cold
    • It must be peer led in a rotating fashion by men who participate in the workout, with no training or certification necessary
    • It must end with a Circle of Trust (COT)

    Warmup (Packs off):
    • 15 deep squats
    • 15 side straddle hops (4 count, in cadence)
    • 15 flutter kicks with packs above heads

    • We will work on formations that we learned in the GrowRuck Tough 009. PAX were asked to bring ruck sacks if they have them. If not, show up without and perform exercises as is.
    • Q will lead the first three formations, and then designate a new platoon leader to run through the formations and give an exercise.
    o If platoon messes up, penalty is 5 burpees with packs on. Then start over until it is completed correctly

    • Formation commands:
    o Platoon, ATTENTION
    o Extend Left, MARCH
    o Arms Down, MOVE
    o Left, FACE
    o Extend Left, MARCH
    o Arms Down, MOVE
    o Right, FACE
    o From front to rear, COUNT OFF
    o Even Numbers One Step to the Left, UNCOVER
    o Exercise (same way F3 calls out the exercise and in cadence)
    o Platoon, RECOVER
    o Assemble to the Right, MARCH

    • Exercises:
    o Merkins
    o Squats
    o American Hammers (with rucks as weight)
    o Mountain Climbers
    o I know there were more, but am forgetting what each Platoon/Company leader did

    • End with Elephant Walk up the ramp, 10 jump-over ruck sack burpees, and Elephant Walk back down
    Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama

    The sixth: Casper

    COT / Prayers and Intentions: Sad clowns, thanks for our physical and mental abilities, recovery and those that are sick/injured, Shakira and pregnant wife


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