**Convergence** Q-Ruck – Fitness of the Body, Mind, and Soul

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Date(s) - 02/16/2019
5:00 am - 5:50 am

The Q:

Southview High School


Faith, Fellowship, fitness, Sylvania

One part Fitness, one part Intellectual, mix in some Fellowship and you have a calorie burn for the body that fuels the soul. Throw in some weight in a ruck sack, head off on a 3-4 mile hike while your mind is led through Q source material straight from the creators of F3.

2 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    February 16, 2019
    WC 1/2 Way Convergence
    Q: Woodstock and Brute
    69 Total Post, including 2 FNGs

    Woodstock covered 5 Core Principles
    Open up with Side Straddle Hops and Wind Mills
    Split into teams of 3: Moaning Myrtles
    50 Burpees/100 MT Climbers, 2 is 1/200 Plank Jack Shoulder Taps, and 300 Merkins
    While running “team” suicides

    Recap: 5 Burpees, 10 MT Climbers in cadence, 20 Plank Jack Shoulder Taps in cadence, and 30 Merkins in cadence

    Split into two teams for Ladder Widths: 50 feet, goal is 16 in 60 seconds
    Round 1: 60 seconds while other team planks (rotate)
    Round 2: 90 seconds while other team does Jack Webbs (rotate)
    Round 3: 180 seconds while other team planks (rotate)
    Round 4: 90 seconds while other team does Jack Webbs (rotate)
    Round 5: 60 seconds while other team planks (rotate)

    End with Guantanamo Bay:
    COT: 69 Post with two FNGs: Kerry Klima now Carebear and Luis Baez now Caesar
    Mercy, Chew Toy, Kitty, Brita, Dutch, Huffy, Lavar, Casper, Tupac, Sipe, Pixar, MacMurray, Rabbit, Mailman, Rocco, Trapeze Scrooge, Bluto, Stamper, Klinger, Buttermaker, Ollie, Hustle, Colonel, Landslide, Dauber, Trinity, Froman, Mickey, Hazmat, Flow, Socrates, Scrum, Hacksaw, Gadget, Wake, Poodle, Gap, Hedgehog, Danica, Goose, Nails, Ticket, Moana, Bourbon, Bambi, Stark, Tidwell, Minnie, Mr. Belding, Modell, Mole, Wolfgang, Oz, Splinter, Geppetto, Vance Refrigeration, Huckleberry, Mary Lou, Thai Guy, Extra Etxra, Cogs, Jennay, Coal, Patriot, Woodstock, Brute
    Announcements: February Ruck next week, possible new AO at Fallen Timbers, Mid Month Murph coming to the Caddy Shack and after 21 months Colonel stepping down as Nantan and handing the reins to Klinger.
    Prayers for those battling illness, thanksgiving for the troops, and continuing to better ourselves as men of this community, fathers, husbands

    Always an honor to lead these men, great Co-Qing with Woodstock and seeing our Perrysburg and Toledo F3 Brothers

  2. Geppetto
    Geppetto says:

    Backblast – February 16th, 2019

    AO: The Fuse – Sylvania Southview High School, Sylvania, OH
    Ruck PAX: Geppetto (QIC), Bourbon, Flo, Huffy, Casper, Patriot, TuPac, Chew Toy, Buttermaker, Trapeze, Bambi, Gap, Minnie, Smoky, Hacksaw, Mailman, Luiz Baez (FNG-Caesar-named at Convergence), Colonel, Cogsworth, Nails, Scrooge, Coal, Huckleberry, Klinger, Ticket, Moana, Trinity, HazMat, Splinter
    Run PAX: Woodstock (QIC), Ozzie, Hedgehog
    Workout: Winter Challenge ½ Way Convergence Pre-Ruck and Run

    F3 – Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
    Mission –Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
    The core principles of F3 are that it must:
    • Be free of charge
    • Be open to all men
    • Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
    • Be led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary. You versus you. Modify or stop an exercise if you need to. The most important thing is that nobody gets hurt.
    • End with a Circle of Trust

    Count-O-Rama to ensure we end with the same number we start with – 30 total, 27 ruckers, 3 runners. We would gain two additional ruckers after the start of the ruck for a total of 32

    The “Thang”: Convergence Pre-Ruck 2-16-19 GET RIGHT (Q1) / Pre-Run. After COR, Woodstock, OZ and Hedgehog took off for their stroll through beautiful Sylvania.

    STATEMENT: Get Right: The Pursuit of proper personal alignment.

    SCRIPTURE: “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. 1 Corinthians 6:12

    • A man must “Get Right” before he can do anything else.
    • An unfit man is a slave to his lack of self-control.
    • To be able to help others a man must first be able to help himself.

    Line up SYL & TOL PAX left side, PBG PAX right side. Adjust as needed.

    Rotations will initiate with 2nd in left side line taking the flag from the 1st in line and everyone moving forward once place and the 1st in lime moving to the back of the line.

    PAX will start with ice breaker questions, similar to “Knowing The Six”.
    -Birth name, age, F3 name and how you got it, who EH’d you, and what F3 means to you and why you continue to post. Final ice breaker question will rotate and be one of the following: Favorite movie, book, sports team, musical artist, restaurant/food.


    • First 10-minute leg: Favorite movie and discuss: When was the moment or series of moments in your life when you knew you needed to “Get Right”?

    • Second 10-minute leg: Favorite book and discuss: What are you doing currently to accelerate your fitness, fellowship, and faith?

    After question #2 we can upon and FNG (Luiz Baez) and YHC went through the Mission and Principles and integrated him into the ruck.

    • Third 10-minute leg: Favorite sports team and discuss: Who are you “Getting Right” for?

    • Fourth 10-minute leg: Favorite musical artist and discuss: What are your long term “Get Right” goals?

    • Fifth 10-minute leg: Favorite restaurant/food and discuss: What can you do to help others “Get Right”?

    Ruck route: From parking lot through football stadium entrance, one loop around open field next to stadium, through back fence onto path to University Park Trail, out 25 minutes from start of ruck and back the same route with one lap around track.

    Ended with:
    Count-O-Rama – 29 Ruckers

    Naming of FNG – Saved for Convergence

    Sharing of the six – Gap.

    Ball of Man – Prayer of thanks for the great morning and the ability to rise and ruck. Prayers for a safe convergence with no injuries. Prayers for those PAX not with us or who haven’t been posting recently. Thankfulness for this group and making each other better.

    Spreadsheets from the Gloom: Temp: Mid 20’s. Low wind. Lots of great conversation was heard by YHC. True to F3Toledo form, we picked up the six and left no man behind. Proud of this group of HIM’s and everyone desire to make each other better and “Get Right” in our fitness, fellowship and faith. It was an honor to lead this QSource Convergence Ruck.


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