Pride Rock (Pacesetter Park)

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Date(s) - 08/14/2024
7:00 pm - 7:45 pm

The Q:

Sylvania Pacesetter Park


boot camp, Sylvania

Bootcamp Style Workouts.  Lots of lands and lots of possibilities. Meet near field #4 by the gazebo.


1 reply
  1. Speedo
    Speedo says:

    The Bends:
    Q: Speedo
    Pax: Britta, Goat, Simmons, Mr. Belding, Gadget

    Warmup: Side Straddle Hops, Old Man Windmills, Mosey
    Tabata Style workout to the Radiohead Album “The Bends” to include chest, arms, legs and abs
    The Jerk: Everyone does planks, one person runs to a cone and does merkins, when he reaches the cone one of the plankers runs to the cone and the first person tells him what exercise to do, that first person runs to the next cone and does Al Gore, proceed through so everyone is through the line and back again
    COT: Six is Speedo


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