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Of a Revolution
Welcome to F3. Fitness, fellowship and faith
5 Core principles: Always free, open to all men, held outside, led by a member of the pax in a rotating fashion and ends in a circle of trust.
Our Credo: Leave no man behind but leave no man where you found him.
QIC Simmons
PAX: Brute, Tuckey, Tupoc, Sipe, Honeymoon, Mr. Belding, FNG (Chernobyl) Gasman, Scrooge, Mailman, Scotch, Wooderson, Mr. Rogers, T Rex, Bullock, Gout, Earl Gray, Gretel, Rabbit, Spotify
Warm up: 15 SSH,
Mosey around to check out the 10 stations
The Thang
It’s the British vs the Americans. We divided up into 2 groups Brits vs Americans. Gen. Cornwallis led the brits thru station 1-5 and then returned to the start and we played Knock out.
Gen Washington led the Americans thru stations 6-10 and then met the British back at the start.
1. Purple: 15 Pull ups
2. Blue: 50 Derkins off Plymouth ROCK
3. Red: Prisoner Lunge From Cone to Grass and Back
4. Yellow: 50 Partner Squats
5. Lime Green: 50 Hello Dolly (1:)
Played Knock out English vs Americans and it was a drawl
Then the british conquered stations 6-10 whilst the Americans completed 1-5.
6. Purple: Up the Bleachers across and down repeat 6x
7. Blue: Air press w/ Block 100 Total reps divide between
8. Red: Bunker Hill Bear crawl burpee at top of hill 5x
9. Yellow: 50 (2:1) American Hammers
10. Orange: Broad Jump there and back
We met again after completing another round and played Dodge ball. To everyone’s dismay the Brits won.
Congrats to team Britian.
Circle up
Our 6 was Scotch
Naming of FNG Chernobyl
Prayers for Bluto