The Crucible (Cherry Street Mission)

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Date(s) - 07/04/2023
5:30 am - 6:30 am

The Q:
Ricky Bobby

Cherry Street Mission


boot camp, Toledo

Bootcamp Style beatdown in the spacious parking lot outside of the Cherry Street Mission’s Life Revitalization Center.

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    USA Trivia Beatdown

    Q: Ricky Bobby

    Pax: T-rex

    F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

    5 core principles
    Always free
    Always outside
    Open to all men
    Led by members of the group in a rotating fashion
    Always ends in a circle of trust

    Mission: to plant grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership

    Credo: leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him

    We started with a warmup consisting of side straddle hops & slow windmills

    We then did a trivia game where we picked a number between 1 & 100. That number determined the trivia question asked. If we got it right, we did an exercise on the list of exercises below. If we got it wrong, we did burpees. We started with 5, and each time we got another question wrong we added 2 more.

    The exercises when we got the question correct were:

    1 Merkin
    2 Mike Tyson
    3 Squat
    4 Lunge
    5 carolina Dry Dock
    6 Air presses
    7 LBC’s
    8 Gas pumps
    9 Peter Parker’s
    10 Inch worms
    11 Super Mans
    12 Hip thrusts
    13 LT Dans
    14 Situation Squat
    15 Merkin to side plank
    16 Diamond merkins
    17 Freddie mercuries
    18 X Factors
    19 Plank Jack shoulder tap
    20 Bonnie Blairs

    Ended with COR, NOR, COT

    Always a pleasure to lead

    Ricky Bobby


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