The Fuse (Southview HS)

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Date(s) - 07/06/2024
7:00 am - 8:00 am

The Q:

Southview Football Field Cougar Ln Sylvania


boot camp, Sylvania

Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc.  Then proceed to the track and/or field for running mixed with strength training.  Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Ruck Run Swim
    Q: Brute
    18 PAX

    Five core principles mission statement credo

    3.34 mile ruck around prairie park come back drop off gear and run 3.34 miles same route

    Return and compete swim down in back in the Harsh pond

    PAX. Chewy, Cobra Commander, Belding, Gasman, Bullock, Earl Grey, Jimmy Dean, Prestige Worldwide, Bear Grylls, Scotch, Gretel, Bull, Tupac, Peffercorn, Bob Vance, Chernobyl, Trojan, Brute

    Always an honor to lead!


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