The Oasis (Close Park)

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Date(s) - 08/10/2024
6:30 am - 7:30 am

The Q:

Close Park


boot camp, Toledo

Boot camp style workout.

Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc.  Then proceed to the playground equipment and/or field for running mixed with strength training.  Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.

SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Executive Diner on Sylvania.

1 reply
  1. Paddleboat
    Paddleboat says:

    Count 4
    Pax Wilson, Earl Grey, TwoPly, Paddleboat (q)
    6 in place of six we shared best accomplishment of the summer and something we hope to do before the fall crunch resumes

    Workout as below with some laps around half the park interspersed between events

    F3 Olympics

    Games are to 21 so we will do 21 cadence count working on our on our bump, set and volley.
    Bump (squat) 21 in cadence (42)
    Set (squat with airpress) 15 (adjusted to Olympic scoring because squats are hard)
    Volley/Spike (situation squat) 15

    4x100m relay – This is a Olympic style we partner up and one man runs the width of the two courts while the other works on the 100.
    Free style – Merkin
    Backstroke – flutters
    Butterfly – Wide Merkins
    Breaststroke – Supermans

    Block Relay
    In the Olympics, they use a baton during the relay races; here at F3 Olympics, we used a cinder block. Each team lines up behind each other in the order of when they run. First PAX of each team is the first runner. The runner carries the block and performs the following exercises at each cone then “runs” all the way back to the start (only do the exercises on the way out).
    – 1st cone: 20 curls
    – 2nd cone: 20 skull crushers
    – 3rd cone: 20 rows
    – 4th cone: 20 overhead press

    While the runner is doing his routine, each PAX member is doing the following hold exercises until the runner passes the “baton” (1st runner then does 4th runner exercises and so on):
    – 2nd runner: plank
    – 3rd runner: al gore
    – 4th runner: knalp
    5th runner hold exercise or their choice

    Circled up for ab events

    Biking – Freddy Mercurys

    Rowing – Crunchy frogs

    Boat Canoe: The Boat position would be while on six with legs pulled up to chest and arms beside body. Canoe is when legs and back are straightened while keeping both off the ground. Q calls out Boat or Canoe.


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