CSAUP is short for Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless. In the F3 Lexicon, CSAUPs are defined as difficult, dirty and dangerous Events that build Trust between Team Members. Many F3 Toledo PAX participate in CSAUPs, such as obstacle races, mud runs, distance relay races, and GORUCK events throughout the year. In addition, F3 Toledo has hosted several CSAUPs of our own since we launched in May 2017. Below is some information about our current and past CSAUPs.
Current CSAUPs
30 Murph’s in 30 Days
Ruck Run Challenge
The Frog 3
September 2019
The Frog 2
November 2018
F3 GrowRuck 09
April 2018
Go Ruck Tough
December 2017

GoRuck Tough in Cincinnati on Friday, December 1, 2017 21:00. Join us with a beer as we celebrate the ratification of the 21st Amendment, but first, endure 12 hours of classic GORUCK Good Livin’ with some bootlegging and other prohibition-related twists.
25 PAX Completed this event! 15 Miles in 12 Hours.
The Frog: F3 Toledo’s Annual Ruck Event!
November 2017