2020 Winter Challenge

GOAL: Commit to F3 Toledo and your fellow PAX to live all three F’s. As the name clearly states, this is meant to be a “challenge.” We have upped the required point totals across the board. Don’t be intimidated. Embrace the suck with your brothers, get better and earn a badass t-shirt only a select few will ever be able to wear.
DURATION: January 1st through March 31st
COST: $15 – If you complete the challenge you will earn a custom F3 Toledo shirt designed by our very own world renowned artist, Pixar. You’re going to want this shirt! For those that do not finish, your money will be donated to Cherry Street Mission on behalf of F3 Toledo.
Payment can be made via PayPal or cash to Ticket.
***For sizing purposes shirts will be similar in fit and quality to GoRuck t-shirts (Next Level 60/40 blend). These shirts won’t suck!
Submit your shirt size using this form.
REQUIREMENT: Accumulate 65 points over the 13 weeks and you will receive the shirt.
POINTS – (minimum requirements in each F)

- FIRST F – (30 – point minimum, 29 points from workouts, 1 from Q-ing)
- 1 Point for showing up to a regularly scheduled workout
- 1 Point for Q-ing a workout
- 1 Point for attending a workout at a “non-home” AO
**SO if you Q a workout at a non-home AO you will achieve 3 points in one workout**
- SECOND F – (5 Point Minimum)
- 1 Point for attending a Coffeeteria or Q-source after a regular beatdown
- 1 Point for attending a larger planned social gatherings of 5 or more PAX (i.e. lunches or evening events). Please give fellow PAX 48-hour notice with an event post
- THIRD F – (3 Point Minimum)
- 1 Point for attending a Cherry Street event
- 1 Point for attending a Bible Study
- 1 Point for participating in a cause of your own that pushes your comfort zone in involvement and community service. Contact Geppetto via GroupMe once complete.
- The SITE Q for the TOP 3 AOs (in total attendance) will earn a yet to be determined award.
- The SITE Q with TOP SITE OVERALL (in attendance percentage increase over 2019 average) will earn a yet to be determined award.
- TOP 3 PAX in POINT TOTAL will earn a yet to be determined award.
So rack up those points and sell your AO!
You can keep track of your stats/points here all winter long!