FNG & Kotter

To better help the Weasel Shaker, track all things F3Toledo, please click on the google form below to fill out FNG information or if a Kotter is back. Once filled out, a group me request will be sent out to the FNG to join and the their information can be captured by the Weasel Shaker.

FNG & Kotter Form

10 replies
  1. Brad Periat
    Brad Periat says:

    This is Brad Periat (Backdraft) and I brought a FNG on Saturday in Bedford to the Beatdown.

    His name is Ted Mynderse and his phone number is 419-283-8298

    His F3 name is Tool Man

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    This is Biff. I brought an FNG on Saturday 2/4/23 at Mule Camp in Bedford. His name is Mike Kerekes and F3 name is Manscape. Phone number is 419-250-6078. I also submitted the form. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!

  3. Tupac
    Tupac says:

    Please add Justin HURRICANE Schutte. Posts in THE SWAMP, lives in temperance. Will likely start posting in Toledo also

  4. William Thomas
    William Thomas says:

    Just moved here. I joined F3 down in Texas and want to jump in here. My F3 handle is Chop Shop. I live in Sylvania now. Cell phone 7135766549

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