The Crucible (Cherry Street Mission)

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Date(s) - 03/17/2023
5:30 am - 6:30 am

The Q:

Cherry Street Mission


boot camp, Toledo

Tabata HIIT workout in the spacious parking lot outside of the Cherry Street Mission’s Life Revitalization Center.

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Date: 3.17.23
    AO: Crucible
    Q: Vance Refrigeration
    PAX: Nougat, Speedo, Tupac, Cobra Commander, ESL (FNG), Nerf Gun, TRex, Patch, Bull, Biff, Vance Refrigeration

    One FNG we named ESL was brought out by Nerf Gun

    Core principles, credo and mission statement-dismissed runners

    Tabata workout: (8) 20 second sets with 10 second rest in between for 9 rounds. Do the first exercise sets 1-3 and 6-8 and the second exercise sets 4 and 5.

    1) SSH/ High Knees
    2) Merkins/ MT Climbers
    3) Imperial Walkers/ Burpees
    4) DDP Burpee/ Bonnie Blair
    5) LT Dan/ Aussie Burpee
    6) Wide Merkin/ High Knee
    7) Jump Squat/ SSH
    8) Ranger Merkin/ Bonnie Blair
    9) Twinkle Toes/ Burpee

    COR: 11

    Sharing of the six: Nerf Gun-EH by email by BVVR. Had some shoulder issues so was regularly the six but over time has been able to build up strength in his shoulder to the point it no longer gives him issues.

    Naming of FNG: Nerf Guns brother-Lives in Stillwater, OK so almost got the name Almost Famous. Decided on ESL because he teaches at OK ST in the language department, assuming I remember correctly.

    Announcements: 2 CSAUPs this weekend and shooting 2nd F tonight.

    Prayer intentions: BVVR’s grandma who fractured her hip and Cobra’s brother who is recovering from surgery.

    Always an honor,
    Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration


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