Heart Rate Trail (Stranahan / Wildwood – Run)

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Date(s) - 09/10/2024
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Stranahan Elementary

Categories No Categories

Run, Sylvania


3-5 Mile run with your F3 Brothers

1 reply
  1. Pinewood
    Pinewood says:

    Weather: 56F and clear

    PAX: Hedgehog, Trojan, Oh Geez (with his devil dog), Sipe, Scotch, Cogsworth, Speedo, Rubble, Pinewood

    Circled up late due to the Q almost getting mauled. At 0531 we began with the 5 CPs, credo and mission. No sense in warming up so we got right to it.

    Straight down the red trail to the manor house then to the covered bridge. Repeated the covered bridge hill 2-4 times then ran back. Simple.

    Circled back up for the CoR and NoR. Speedo with the 6 expressing his gratitude for the friends F3 has brought. Closed in announcements and prayer.

    Honor to lead – Pinewood out


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