Fortress Ruckus – 2 Hour

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Date(s) - 02/10/2018
5:00 am - 7:00 am

The Q:

Fort Imagination



Like rucking? Not getting enough distance in the one hour Tuesday Rucks? Then come to the Fortress for our Saturday 2 HOUR Ruck. Cover more distance. Carry heavy stuff longer. Lead a group of men through greater challenges.

1 reply
  1. Craig "Bambi" Springer
    Craig "Bambi" Springer says:

    Welcome to the Party:

    Date: 02/10/2018
    Time: 5:00 – 6:50 AM
    Location: Fortress Ruckus – AKA…Woodland Park

    Q: Bambi

    PAX: 9 total – Raven, Bambi (Q), Stark, Cobra, Tupac, Woodstock, Rooster, Jennay, Bourbon

    F3 Mission: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith; To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership

    Principles of F3:
    • It must be free of charge
    • It must be open to all men
    • It must be help outdoor, rain or shine, hot or cold
    • It must be peer led in a rotating fashion by men who participate in the workout, with no training or certification necessary
    • It must end with a Circle of Trust (COT)

    Started with a mosey to the field area North of the Pavilion carrying 2 flags and 6 coupons and then circled up around the flags in 6” of snow.

    Counted off and partnered up with someone of similar weight…or as close as possible.

    Rules were Given: Never get more than 5’ from your partner or everyone does 10 Merkins (These Toledo boys are smart…we failed to get anyone for breaking the rule in 2 hours).

    Part #1 – Party Time – With packs on the following work was completed by the 8 PAX that posted at 5:00:

    1 – Hold squat for 60 count around the circle

    2 – 25, 2 count Merkins.

    3 – 20, 8 count body builders.

    4 – 50, 4 count flutter kicks with pack held above your chest.

    5 – Ask for volunteer to plant second flag 50 yards out while everyone holds plank. Woodstock volunteered and Bourbon recognized the trick and planted the flag with him to prevent the 10 Merkin payment.

    6 – 8 rounds of sprints between flags with packs on and 30 count hold plank in between each, counting around the circle.

    7 – 50 yard bear crawl down and crab walk with pack on chest. Knees or butt on the ground equals 10 Merkins for everyone. We did the 20…and everyone drug their buts in the ground on the crab walks.

    **On the return crab walk two light sticks were found in the snow. The Q stopped the workout and advised the PAX that this was critical life saving equipment that had been lost. The Q advised the PAX that this was the only warning and the next time would result in Merkins for everyone. Tupac took this to warning heart and removed a light from his pack and buried it in the snow to make sure he did not lose it in the field of play. It was discovered in the COT after the Ruck.

    8 – 50 yard low crawl down with heads in the snow and run back. This was possibly the toughest part of the morning due to the snow cover and the inability to gain any traction in the low crawl position.

    9 – Packs off partner carry with some quick training. The Q demonstrated the Partner Carry used at the Cinci GORUCK Tough. Switch carrying at the half way point. 4 rounds with 20 count hold low merkin in between each set, 20 count around the circle.

    Part #2 – The Reward – Picked up one new PAX at 6:00, collected 6 coupons, 2 flags and made our way through the snow to the Woodland Park 1 mile outer track in two columns (4 x 5). The Q suggested that all PAX should carry their coupons and only switch when someone called for help. The Pburg Men again could not be fooled and quickly organized themselves on a 2-minute coupon switch. The Q was not pleased with this teamwork and by the first corner on the Woodland Park trail switched up the rules requiring constant coupon swapping for the rest of the ruck. At all times one person was without a coupon or flag, that person had to immediately take the coupon in front of them with a rotation from the left column to the right and vice versa each time you left the flag position and were without a coupon.

    – Around 6:45 with approximately 2.5 miles covered the Q called it and had the PAX head back to the pavilion for some much needed incline merkins with packs on. Each PAX picked their favorite picnic table and with their feet on the top of the picnic table performed two sets of 10 Merkins in Cadence. Upon completion of the Merkins all PAX bailed on the Party and headed off to Gamble with some Dice at the Regularly scheduled Fort Imagination Beatdown.

    Ended in a COT with Count-o-Rama and Name-o-Rama.

    Jennay was the 6; EH’d by Marylou, asked what a Lt. Dan was in his first post and was rewarded with Jennay, is really focusing on living third since joining F3.

    Bambi Led the Prayer, PAX were thankful for making it through the Party and offered prayers for the victims of the Earthquake.


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