Fortress Ruckus – 2 Hour
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Date(s) - 03/31/2018
5:00 am - 7:00 am
The Q:
Fort Imagination
Like rucking? Not getting enough distance in the one hour Tuesday Rucks? Then come to the Fortress for our Saturday 2 HOUR Ruck. Cover more distance. Carry heavy stuff longer. Lead a group of men through greater challenges.
Covered 3fs, principles and mission, and disclaimer.
13 Pax: venom, Tupac, Stark, Buttermaker, Shakira, Bourbon, Rooster, Casper, Landslide, Mayor, Bambi, FNG Thumper, Woodstock (Q)
The thang, part 1: split PAX into 4 teams of 3 by height, each team had a Rooster log and YHC had a 60lb sandbag. Headed out for laps around woodland with log pt stops every 1/2 mile. 3 total PT stops.
PT (for most exercises) was 2 on the log at a time, 3 sets of 15 reps, PAX rotated so each had 30 log reps and 15 air, sandbag, or ruck reps. Rucks on (mostly)
Rnd 1 – overhead presses, squats, bench, and flutter kicks.
Rnd 2 – thrusters, curls, situps (all 3 on, legs interlocked with another team for 30 reps), and another set I can’t remember.
Rnd 3 – log hammers, lunges, (3 on, 2 is 1, 30 reps), another exercise I can’t remember.
It should be noted that YHC had planned on log pt being rnd 1 on repeato, but the PAX were helpfully calling out other log pt that sounded fun and YHC was convinced that they didn’t think rnd 1 was tough enough so I went with it. You vs you.
Thang 2:
Set out with 12 PAX (Rooster had to go save lives and fight fires – RESPECT!), 3 logs, 2 sandbags and 2 shovel flags. Headed towards the wall with coupon rotation, fell short of the goal distance, but did make it back in time to name the fng, hear about how whiskey is from Tennessee and always had lots of friends ;).
Ended w/ cot. Fng Josh was named thumper (EH’d by Bambi). Bourbon was the 6, and ended in a prayer for Easter, healing, strength, and celebration.
Moleskin: YHC relayed a story about a very close friend, and how important it is to not just talk about fellowship but to make sure you water the seeds or it will wither and die no matter how close you were or for how long. 1stf, 2nd f, 3rd f all give us the opportunity to water those seeds.