Stranahan / Wildwood (Run)
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Date(s) - 07/10/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Stranahan Elementary
3-5 Mile run with your F3 Brothers
Date: 7/10/18
Q: Colonel
Pax posting: 13 – Kitty, Cyclone, Belding, Rose, Hedgehog, Sipe, Jeter, Hacksaw, Ollie, Oz, Splinter, Froman, Colonel
The Thang:
Common question for the self titled “Clydesdales” or “non-runners” or those that claim to hate “cardio or running” which also mean they hate Oz’s beatdowns. Goal of YHC today was to bring a solid running beatdown for all pax, get in over 3 miles, see a good amount of Wildwood and mix it up so that we start the run together and end the run together.
1st goal – get all pax to get a solid mile in and end up in the same spot to move to the next movement.
All pax were set into the woods with the direction to hug the right hand side of the trails until they go to the opening of Wildwood near the large playground – this equates to a little over 1 mile. All pax were able to run their pace. Once there those leading the pack would run a loop around the open field until all pax made it out of the woods. Goal #1 = success.
All pax ran their own pace towards the stairs to the floodplain trail and we all ran 6 times up and down the stairs hitting every step to mimic some “hill work” All pax together and completed the stairs – goal #2 = success.
Goal #3 – return to Stranahan via a different trail that we ran towards the floodplain trail so the pax could enjoy more of the terrain. Except in order to stay together and get back quickly YHC had us do fartleks back. 30 seconds on sprinting and 30 seconds off jogging back to 6 and continuing to move forward. Admittedly some of the rest time ended up being 40 seconds to allow the sprint to be AYG. Pax did this until we got to the straightaway back to our shovel flag and cars and gave the pax 10 seconds to rest completely and account for all 13. Fartleks the remaining 3/4 mile run in except 20 seconds/20 seconds off. Pax all finished at the school playground together and with it only being 6:05 had the pax do another fartlek around the school (~1/4 mile) with 10 seconds on/10 seconds off. All pax finished a second lap around the school together to finished before 6:10. Goal #3 – all finishing the run as a group = success!
Proud of all the pax that showed up and pushed hard on all 3 phases of the run. Run distances from the watches had at a minimum 3.4 miles to as much as 4 miles. Fitbit stated we covered 55 flights of stairs and it was awesome to see everyone start and come in at the same time.
* Jeter was the 6 and he talked about how much F3 means to him and the fact he has gone from a couple days a week to 4-5 days a week posting and how much he loves the group and getting up early.
* YHC took us out with prayers in COT – with thankfulness for such a strong pax, opportunity to take our DRP today and for those that made the choice to get up and get better earlier in the gloom.
* Honor to lead the run AO and love seeing pax of all paces/sizes/goals running and/or rucking on Tuesdays throughout F3Toledo