Panera – Central Ave (Run)

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Date(s) - 03/08/2019
5:15 am - 6:00 am

The Q:
Green Peace

Panera Bread


Run, Sylvania

3-5 mile run with your F3 Brothers

1 reply
  1. Trinity
    Trinity says:

    March 8, 2019
    AO: Friday Run Reboot (relocated to Panera on Central)
    Pax: (11) Belding, Colonel, Ozzie, Sideshow, Mole, Gap, Jeter, Sipe, Ticket, Beaker
    Q: Trinity

    This was our first test run transitioning the Friday Run to Panera and shifting the start time to 5:15. The goal was to bring a larger group together and give guys a chance to get to 3rd F. QIC covered the 5 principles and spent some extra time discussing safety and the disclaimer. QIC also very roughly mapped out the two routes covering either 4.5 miles or 3.25 miles. As QIC barely remembers the street he lives on the directions were probably best ignored.
    We set off and immediately were all jacked up as Gap was planning to cross right at the street leading past Lowes to University Trail and Ozzie went immediately into Lowe’s parking lot. The plan to carefully cross Central as a group immediately went to shit but everyone made it across without injury. Upon return we had two stragglers in Jeter and Sideshow. Gap and Sipe went to look for them and Sideshow quickly rolled in. Jeter came back a minute or two later but from the opposite direction which meant the search party now needed a search party.

    We wrapped up with CoR, NoR and CoT. Beaker was our Six. Prayers and Thanks for Ticket’s new job, continued success in Belding’s search and all the blessings we encounter every day.

    We eventually found Gap and Sipe but not after they made us all look bad by covering an additional mile plus.

    Always an honor.



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