RUCK from Harroun Park Shelter

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Date(s) - 09/05/2017
5:15 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Harroun Park

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  1. Splinter
    Splinter says:

    Tuesday Ruck – Tailgate (Splinter Ruck VQ)

    22 members of the PAX posted after yesterdays Monday Murph!

    PAX: (Willy, Rose, Klinger, Box, Scrooge, Mickey, Sipe, Pixar, Springs, Fosters, Worm, Mayor, Colonel, Cogsworth, Mailman, Kitty, FNG – Gilligan, Froman, Bluto, Jimmy Dean, Stamper, Splinter)

    Distance 3 Miles: (Don’t have the mile splits but i would estimate around 17-18 minute miles based on time started and finishing at nearly 3 miles on the nose)

    Additional Weight: ~375lbs (Beer Keg, Backpack Cooler, Charcoal Bag, Case of Water, Assortment of Sandbags, Medicine Ball, SF x 2)

    This was a special ruck as just recently 23 members of the F3 Toledo/Perrysburg PAX had signed their names on the dotted line for the Cincinnati GoRuck Tough on December 1st! Wow!

    In celebration of the this rucking enthusiasm and to honor the start of football season, we decided to go heavy on the coupons today with a tailgating theme. The PAX forged their way through 3 miles of beautiful Sylvania (Harroun Park, St. Joes, Lourdes College) sharing the wealth of ~375lbs of additional weight. There was a significant amount of debris after yesterdays storms which made things interesting, however it seemed to increase the communication and focus of the group which was a plus.

    Two miles in, we regrouped with some strong leadership from our GRT veterans (Klinger, Colonel, Froman, and Mickey) to allow for more efficient weight distribution and transfer.

    Welcome to FNG and former (now retired) colleague Gilligan! (Glen Blohm) Nice work ehing him Pixar!

    We ended with a COT and strong prayer led by Willy. Special prayers for Mad Dog’s Mother In-law, Adam (a co-worker of Mickeys), and Roses’ M’s uncle. Additional congratulations to Dos Equis on his newborn son!

    It was an honor to lead this ever improving group of men this morning! Looking forward to continuing to train for the upcoming GRT with you all. And for those who have not signed up yet, why not?



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