Leadership Training/ Bible Study
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Date(s) - 06/01/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Tots, Flo
Fort Meigs YMCA
Come check out an opportunity for expanding your third F (Faith) involvement in F3 with this peer led Bible study. Excellent opportunity for exploring your faith and enjoying fellowship with the F3 Toledo PAX. Meeting room located in the conference room by the main entrance.
3rd F pre beatdown:
F3 mission
Q: Tots
Pax: Raven, Casper, Tupac
Tire Flips, Burpees
Sprints, Farmers Carry, Sledge Strikes
35 minutes:
Then, Plank and Tire course
Followed by a 4 man sprint relay
Ended with 3rd F study in James and COT