Woodland Park (The Fortress)
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Date(s) - 02/10/2018
7:00 am - 8:00 am
The Q:
Site Q Triad - Stark, Crab Legs, Zig Zag
Fort Imagination
boot camp, Perrysburg
Boot camp style workout. At Woodland Park. Two large Playgrounds, Frisbee Golf Course, 1 Mile Dirt Track, HUGE Field. Plenty of space here to craft a diabolical smokefest for even the strongest PAX.
Entrance is off East Boundary. Kip Boulis Drive.
SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Lamplight Cafe and Bakery located at 121 W. Indiana ave. Great opportunity to get to know members of F3Toledo and refuel from the workout.
Date: 02/10/2018
Time: 7:00 – 8:00 AM
Location: Fort Imagination – Woodland Park
Q: Bourbon
PAX: 15 total – Raven, Coal, Bambi, Virus, Stark, Cobra, Tupac, Flo, Woodstock, Huffy, Rooster, Jennay, Spaulding, Sipe, Bourbon (Q)
F3 Mission: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith; To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership
Principles of F3:
• It must be free of charge
• It must be open to all men
• It must be help outdoor, rain or shine, hot or cold
• It must be peer led in a rotating fashion by men who participate in the workout, with no training or certification necessary
• It must end with a Circle of Trust (COT)
Mosey to open field area. Conditions were cold, below freezing, and about 6” of snow on the ground. Q chose an open area with snow that had not been trampled on… yet.
Circled around Betty the Bell. PAX all performed 55 LBC’s to celebrate Tupac’s 55th birthday today. Then Q explained the rules of the Let the Good Times Roll beatdown.
Beatdown: 21 minutes of rolling dice; 8 minutes of core; 21 minutes of rolling dice
• Rolling dice: PAX form a circle. Start with one PAX who rolls all three dice. The first number corresponds to the exercise; the second number is the number of base reps; the third number is the multiplier of the base reps. For example: PAX rolls 1-3-4 = exercise one for 12 reps (3 reps x 4 multiplier). Entire PAX suffers the same routine based on each roll and gives 100% until 25% of PAX completes the exercise reps. Once you complete the exercise, you plank in the middle until 25% of PAX are planking. Once 25% complete, we move to the next member of the circle and repeat. For today’s beatdown, the magic number was 4, the first 3 to finish plank, then the fourth rings the bell, we reset and move on to next roll.
o Exercise 1: Merkins
o Exercise 2: Side Straddle Hops (4 count, in cadence)
o Exercise 3: Sprints
o Exercise 4: Lt. Dans
o Exercise 5: Burpees
o Exercise 6: Carolina Dry Docks
• Actual Dice Rolling workout based on PAX rolls of dice:
o 6 x Lt. Dans
o 12 x Burpees
o 4 x Sprints
o 4 x Lt. Dans
o 15 x Burpees
o 2 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 4 x Lt. Dans
o 24 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 2 x Burpees
o 24 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 9 x Burpees
o 16 x Lt. Dans
o 4 x Burpees
o 5 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 8 x Burpees
o 24 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 12 x Sprints
o 8 x Sprints
o 20 x Burpees
o 2 x Sprints
o 8 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 18 x Burpees
o 12 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 12 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 18 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 20 x Burpees
o 8 x Sprints
o 25 x Burpees
o 4 x Lt. Dans
o 8 x Lt. Dans
o 2 x Sprints
o 6 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 36 x Merkins
• Core workout:
o 60 LBC (little baby crunches)
o 50 American hammers
o 40 scissor kicks
o 30 rope climbs
o 20 leg levers
o 90 second plank
Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama
Tupac was the 6th. A special treat as this was also his 55th birthday.
COT / Prayers and Intentions: Illness that many are dealing with; healing for those that are injured (Zod and others); Bourbon’s interview on Monday; Spaulding’s wife and child due any day; For all those that haven’t posted in a while or haven’t been reached out to yet to learn what F3 means and to get out of the sad clown rut.
2nd F at Lamplight Café