Woodland Park (The Fortress)
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Date(s) - 11/17/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Fort Imagination
boot camp, Perrysburg
Boot camp style workout. At Woodland Park. Two large Playgrounds, Frisbee Golf Course, 1 Mile Dirt Track, HUGE Field. Plenty of space here to craft a diabolical smokefest for even the strongest PAX.
Entrance is off East Boundary. Kip Boulis Drive.
SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Lamplight Cafe and Bakery located at 121 W. Indiana ave. Great opportunity to get to know members of F3Toledo and refuel from the workout.
Backblast – November 17, 2018
AO: The Fortress – Woodlands Park – Perrysburg, OH
PAX: Geppetto (QIC), Montoya, Cobra, Flo, Hazmat, Stark, Bambi, Bourbon, Woodstock, Ponzi, Virus, Nimbus, Huckleberry, Casper, Billy Bob, Chanel, Nyquil, TuPac, Thai Guy, Buttermaker, Oops, Cajun
Workout: It’s a P.A.R.T.Y.!
No FNG’s so right into F3 Mission and Core Principles:
F3 – Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
Mission –Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
The core principles of F3 are that it must:
• Be free of charge
• Be open to all men
• Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
• Be led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary. You versus you. Modify or stop an exercise if you need to. The most important thing is that nobody gets hurt.
• End with a Circle of Trust
The “Thang”: Warm up with four count Side Straddle Hops in cadence and YHC noticed a few PAX anticipating a stoppage at 20…and then at 25….and then at 30…. but no, we were going all the way to 37. After the warmup, YHC announced for those that did not know, that we were celebrating a birthday and that 37 would become a common theme throughout the first half of the beatdown. We remained in a circle for Birthday portion of beatdown. We performed an exercise for each letter in the name STARK. With the exception of “R” we would halt the exercise once half the PAX (11) completed the full rep count.
S – Steve Earle’s (three count squat with a Hillbilly at the top.) Alternate legs on Hillbilly portion until 37 reps complete for each leg. 74 total reps.
Eight burpees as “rest” between exercises. The PAX, now getting familiar with the theme of 37 reps, wondered the significance of just eight burpees. They would find out soon enough.
T – Travolta’s – Side plank, rotating top arm under body and then extend. Like Saturday Night Fever! 37 reps, each arm. 74 total reps
Eight burpees. It now became clear that 37 burpees would be performed but in what quantity going forward? 8-8-5? 7-7-7? Ah the intrigue!
Before demo’ing the next exercise, YHC asked for mercy from the PAX as we would be performing 37….
A – Absolutions
As we slogged through the pain, YHC considered halting the exercise after five PAX finished, however a firm rebuke from TuPac that 11 must finish before we could stop, we fought through and continued on. Respect to the 11 that finished!
As a reward, we all got seven more burpees under our belts. The burpee pattern was starting to come into focus. 8-8-7….
R – Roxanne – Played the song Roxanne by The Police. From Plank position, we performed one Merkin for each “Roxanne” and one Plank Jack for each “Red Light”. Equaled 26 Merkins and 25 Plank Jacks. This brought a little bit of levity to the beatdown, but not much, as the first chorus brought a flurry of merkins and plank jacks that quickly quieted the Mumble Chatter.
Seven more burpees for a running total of 30.
K – Knerkins – Chuck Norris Merkins on your knuckles followed by the final seven burpees (37 total!) to complete the birthday portion of the beatdown.
We then made our way to the open field behind the playground for the 2nd half of the beatdown – BLACKJACK. We began with 20 Merkins, then ran 50 yards and performed 1 Imperial Walker. Repeato decreasing the merkin reps by one and increasing the Imperial Walker reps by one. 20 minutes timed with the birthday boy completing the full cycle (210 of each movement) and a few others not that far behind.
Ended with:
Count-O-Rama – Twenty-two!!!
Sharing of the six – Nimbus. Nimbus is a weather and climate professor at BGSU (hence his F3 name) and after a long week of dealing with students, Friday nights used to be spent cracking a couple cold daddies and blowing off steam. However, since he has joined F3 he knows that hangovers and Saturday beatdowns don’t mix and that is why he keeps coming out. Aye!
Announcements – From TuPac: Monday evening beatdown will take place at Levis Commons clock tower for the rest of November but may move to Tuesday nights starting in December. With a possible 2nd F opportunity following the beatdown. Stay tuned. From Bourbon: F3 Toledo gear sale is ongoing until November 25th. Get your items ordered as there are only a couple gear buying opportunities like this each year.
Ball of Man – Prayers for a number of individuals: Shakira who is going through family issues, Montoya’s wife and mother in law, Cobra’s friend who is having surgery, Houdini’s wife who will be undergoing cancer treatment, Cajun’s friend who recently lost a loved one. And a praise for Ponzi’s son who will be getting married soon. Also, prayers for the great morning, Stark’s birthday and just everything we all have to be thankful for. Amen.
Spreadsheets from the Gloom: Respect to Billy Bob for heading south to join our Fortress beatdown. We sang happy birthday to Stark and ate cupcakes after the Ball of Man. No one felt guilty about it since we all busted our tails this morning. It was an honor to lead. We all got better today.