Harroun Park (Ruckus)
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Date(s) - 02/20/2018
5:15 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Klinger and Brita
Harroun Park
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Date(s) - 02/20/2018
5:15 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Klinger and Brita
Harroun Park
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Teleport Us to Florida – Ruck
24 pax Including:
Brita, Chapo, Mailman, Mad Dog, Honeymoon, Ollie, Klinger, Sipe, Cogsworth, Fro, Ozzie, Android, Fud, Colonel, Scrooge, Rhianna, Danica, Mr. Belding, Splinter, Mickey, Kitty, Mayor and Pixar
Ruck: 3.1 miles in the warm, gray, misty gloom. Coupons were a “game time” decision. Splinter and Colonel agreed to the plan. The rain held off when we arrived, so coupons were “on”.
We rucked the “junior golf club” shaped course starting at Harroun Park. See my twitter account @vince_palko
Four quick bursts of exercise every half mile – packs on – 20 squats, 20 Merkins w 20 sec pause after the first 10, 20 squat-presses and 25 Klinger kicks.
Left last “burst” of exercise out of last mile as we needed to get back to our start point.
“Get to know the 6”: Ollie
He shared that “the hardest person to lead is yourself”. Really grateful he shared this. My take:,We don’t have any problem helping our brothers out with how they might handle life but how often are we looking in the mirror to lead ourselves to do what’s right, all the time. Only the man in the mirror knows the answer.
– Prayer intentions
– Android: had seven but only shared two: Eagle Scout committed suicide – Billy, 19
– Sister in law, Val broke arm this morning
– Brita’s dad, Phill. Going in for scan. Wed gets result back
Lifted up these intentions. Shared with the PAX I’ve read books on the afterlife and the one constant in all is that heaven amazing place. Hard to put to earthly descriptors… including music from scores of heavenly angels and wondrous colors not any any art pallet on earth. I didn’t plan on sharing this but was drawn to based on some of the intentions. It’s not to take away how challenging death is but wanted to focus on what was positive about “passing.”
On a lighter note… ‘Twas an honor leading you into a toasty Ruck this morning and not have to peel off 4 layers of clothing when we returned.
“Good shit, boys!”
– Pixar