Pride Rock (Pacesetter Park)

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Date(s) - 05/22/2024
7:00 pm - 7:45 pm

The Q:

Sylvania Pacesetter Park


boot camp, Sylvania

Bootcamp Style Workouts.  Lots of lands and lots of possibilities. Meet near field #4 by the gazebo.


1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Beautiful Wednesday
    Welcome to F3. Fitness, fellowship and faith
    5 Core principles: Always free, open to all men, held outside, led by a member of the pax in a rotating fashion and ends in a circle of trust.
    Our Credo: Leave no man behind but leave no man where you found him.
    QIC Simmons
    Pax: Mr. Belding, Chop Shop, Goose, Summit, Shooter, Speedo, FNG (Trike), Flush, Koresh
    Warm Up:
    15 SSH
    Stretching the Hamstrings
    Michael Phelps
    The Thang
    Mosey over to the little hill that divides the playing field
    Then run from one side of the hill to the other where cones were set up doing 10 reps of the following exercises. One exercise per cone in cadence
    Air press
    Decline Merkins
    Incline Merkins
    Partner Merkins
    Carolina dry dock
    Side plank
    Hello Dolly
    Smurf jack
    Jane fonda.
    Run back to start and repeat this time with 12 reps then 14 reps then made it thru halfway with 5 reps
    Circle of trust
    Our 6 was Goose, We named an FNG today Trike. HC by Chopshop (his son)


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