Southview High School
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Date(s) - 06/10/2018
6:00 am - 6:45 am
The Q:
Sipe and Nails
Southview High School
Date(s) - 06/10/2018
6:00 am - 6:45 am
The Q:
Sipe and Nails
Southview High School
Kung Fuse Fighting
Q: Splinter
Pax: Gap, Ollie, Klinger, H2, Dauber, Sideshow, Nails, Tupac, Sipe
The PAX was ready for a martial arts based beatdown on this fine Sunday morning. YHC was making last minute preparations with the cones however had to leave them AFU in order to start in a timely fashion, It was an excellent turnout for a Sunday morning and YHC felt energized with the PAX support.
Mission Statement / 5 Core Principles / Disclaimer
Unlike Saturday we stayed a bit closer to the flag and warmed up with some kitty kicks, leg swings side to side and front to back, with a mosey around the marching band field.
Warm Up:
-Leg swings and Kitty kicks to loosen up the hips.
-Mosey around Marching band field.
The Thang:
-We all lined upon the goal line spaced apart. Everyone got into a fighting stance with the right or left leg back. (YHC went over fighting stance basics and stated that if the PAX had previous fighting experience, stand in what was comfortable.)
-We performed jab / cross or Backfist / Reverse Punch moving-ins down the field. You would push off the backfoot and slide forward on the jab/backfist, once your feet were set you’d throw the second punch.
-While working our way down the field, YHC would either say “move” which would instruct the pax to slide forward with jab/cross or “down” to do a burpee.
-We switched stances at the 50 yard line and had our other leg back in a fighting stance to change it up. The key on the move ins is to keep your knees bent and legs engaged in the stance.
-Once we reached the endline we ran back to the starting endline and performed 26 knerkins IC
-Next we partnered up and each team took a sandbag.
Sandbag Run:
-Partners run together (one has sandbag)
-Sandbag dropped at 20 yardline dropped (alternating arm merkins)
-Partner 1 runs back and partner 2 continues merkins
-Partner 1 runs back and picks up sandbag and takes to (partner 2 lunges) 40 yard line
-Partner 1 runs back moves sandbag to next 40 yard line (Klinger Kicks)
-Bicep Curls
-Switch Roles
-Next we lined up on opposite side of the orange posts on the outside of the field. We proceed to perform thrust kicks, alternating legs on each post as we worked our way down the side. Emphasis was placed on keeping your hands up and picking the knee up high to kick.
-Next we performed crescent kicks with a squat in between over the posts going to the midway point marked by the school pride rock.
-We finished with 2 50 yard sprints with moseys to start line.
-Circled up at the flag for COT. Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Get-to-know-the-six (Sideshow), Prayer Intentions
GTKT6 – Sideshow shared his F3 background and stated how he looks up to the men of this group and how he considers us role models. Very kind words from IMO one of the most improved PAX members from his starting point in F3 and a true HIM all of us can look up to as well. Great to have you with us Sideshow!
-Continued prayers for Riley, Cooter and his Family, Pax recovering from injury, and for those prayers held in our hearts.
An honor to lead!