Stranahan Elementary (The Ant Hill)
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Date(s) - 03/21/2019
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Stranahan Elementary
Bootcamp Style Beatdown enjoying everything nature has to offer. This site offers a Playground for pull-ups, a large field full of …you guessed it…ant hills, and secret access into one of our best MetroParks.
Da QIC: Hustle
Da Pax: Smails, Poodle, Mole, Doyt, Bullock, Sipe, Hustle
Da thang:
Warm-up with SSH, in cadence (I think I nailed it).
My 2nd version of ‘the space between’, utilizing the parking spaces around the school. On the west side of the school are 10 bus-sized parking spaces. We all started in separate spaces. Starting in our first space, which are the length of a bus, we did frog jumps. We skipped a space then did burpee broad jumps, then skipped a space to frog jumps, etc. until reaching the last space.
On the north side of the school are 28 smaller ‘no parking’ type spaces. Starting at the 1st space, we did 5 merkins, skipped a space, and did 5 imperial walkers (2 is 1), skipped a space, then 5 merkins, etc. until reaching the end. We moseyed to the playground and did 20 jump-up pull-ups (some crazies did standard pull-ups). After this, we each did 20 high plank, swing knee-tucks. We moseyed to the south side of the school
15 spaces on the south side, starting with 10 air squats, skipping a space, then did 10 mountain climbers (2 is 1), etc. until reaching the final space.
This was done in repeato fashion.
COR, NOR, announcements (not done. My mistake as I was running short on time).
Know the 6 (this was Sipe. He elegantly explained how each of the Fs of F3 has affected him. We know he is a huge part of F3 and I think he emulates what F3 stands for. I ended a sentence in a preposition, sorry).
COT (prayer intentions kept silent for time purposes).
Thanks to the men who showed up today. I am privileged and humble to be able to lead. I would never push myself as hard as I do if it wasn’t for the pax.