The Ant Hill (Stranahan Elementary)

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Date(s) - 03/09/2023
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Stranahan Elementary


boot camp, Sylvania

Bootcamp Style Beatdown enjoying everything nature has to offer. This site offers a Playground for pull-ups, a large field full of …you guessed it…ant hills, and secret access into one of our best MetroParks.

2 replies
  1. Tom Russell
    Tom Russell says:

    F3 Workout 3/16/23
    Q – Bagels
    Pax – Bagels, Thong Song, Sideshow, Madoff, John Denver, Johnny, Mole

    • Principles of all F3 Workouts
    o Free
    o Outdoor
    o Open to all men
    o Peer led in rotating fashion
    o COT at end
    • Warmup in cadence
    o Side straddle hop x20
    o Windmills x10
    • 5 stations, pax rotate through them, each with ALARM theme (Arms/Abs, Legs, Abs, Run, Merkin)

    On your second time at this station, add 5 reps. On your third time at this station, add 10 reps.
    Station 1
    1. Arms – Curls x20 with block or pair of weights
    2. Legs – Lunges x10, 2 is 1
    3. Abs – American hammers x20 (level up by using block or dumbbell)
    4. Run – around school back to station 1
    5. Merkin x20

    Then proceed to station 2

    On your second time at this station, add 5 reps. On your third time at this station, add 10 reps.
    Station 2
    1. Arms – Tricep x20 dips using curb
    2. Legs – Calf raise x30 using curb
    3. Abs – LBC x50
    4. Run – around school back to station 2
    5. Merkin – Incline using curb x20

    Then proceed to station 3

    On your second time at this station, add 5 reps. On your third time at this station, add 10 reps.
    Station 3
    1. Abs – Mountain climbers x20, 2 is 1
    2. Legs – Squat x25
    3. Abs – Big Boy sit-up x20
    4. Run – around school back to station 3
    5. Merkin – Decline using curb x20

    Then proceed to station 4

    On your second time at this station, add 5 reps. On your third time at this station, add 10 reps.
    Station 4
    1. Arms – Air press x20, 4 is 1
    2. Legs – Wall sit count to 50
    3. Abs – Plank count to 50
    4. Run – around school back to station 4
    5. Merkin x20

    Then proceed to station 5

    On your second time at this station, add 5 reps. On your third time at this station, add 10 reps.
    Station 5
    1. Abs – Side crunch x20 each side
    2. Legs – Donkey kick x15
    3. Abs – V-up x30
    4. Run – around school back to station 5
    5. Merkin Diamond x20

    Then proceed to station 1

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    F3 Workout 3/9/23
    Q – T-rex
    Pax – T-rex, Thong Song, Johnny, Hedgehog, Nails, Pinewood, Tupac

    Station 1 – 5 reps
    Station 2 – 10 reps
    Station 3 – 20 reps
    Station 2 – 10 reps

    Station 1 – 5 reps

    Imperial Squatter
    Big boy

    Round 2
    Situation Squat
    Leg lifts

    Round 3
    Mike Tyson
    Lt Dan
    American Hammer

    Round 4
    Wide Merkin
    Bridge up 2-1
    Crunchy Frog

    Round 5
    Diamond Merkins
    Monkey Humpers 2-1
    X factor


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