The Crucible (Cherry Street Mission)

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Date(s) - 08/06/2024
5:30 am - 6:30 am

The Q:
Ricky Bobby

Cherry Street Mission


boot camp, Toledo

Bootcamp Style beatdown in the spacious parking lot outside of the Cherry Street Mission’s Life Revitalization Center.

1 reply
  1. cmckenzi
    cmckenzi says:

    SASQUATS @ Tuesday Crucible
    Q – Yeast
    PAX – Cobra Commander, TRex, The Situation, Ricky bobby, Dr. Bruce Banner, Paddleboat, Nerf Gun, Yeast

    20 – Squats
    15 – Overhead Press
    10 – Merkins
    5 – Lunge (2:1)
    1 – HEAVY SQUAT, 5 second count
    5 – Lunge (2:1)
    10 – Merkins
    15 – Overhead Press
    20 – Squats
    Plank hold

    15 – Goblet Squat
    10 – Shoulder Shrugs
    5 – LRC Squats (3:1)
    1 – Rifle Carry 10 yds
    5 – LRC Squats (3:1)
    10 – Shoulder Shrugs
    15 – Goblet Squat
    Circle of Mary

    20 – Squats
    15 – Overhead Press
    10 – Merkins
    5 – Lunge (2:1)
    1 – HEAVY SQUAT, 5 second count
    5 – Lunge (2:1)
    10 – Merkins
    15 – Overhead Press
    20 – Squats
    Plank hold

    August Challenge, in cadence:

    10 Block Swings – 9 Block Squats – 9 Merkins
    10 Block Swings – 8 Block Squats – 8 Merkins
    10 Block Swings – 7 Block Squats – 7 Merkins
    10 Block Swings – 6 Block Squats – 6 Merkins
    10 Block Swings – 5 Block Squats – 5 Merkins
    10 Block Swings – 4 Block Squats – 5 Merkins
    10 Block Swings – 3 Block Squats – 3 Merkins
    10 Block Swings – 2 Block Squats – 2 Merkins
    10 Block Swings – 1 Block Squat – 1 Merkin


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