The Fuse (Southview HS)

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Date(s) - 04/14/2024
6:00 am - 6:45 am

The Q:
Flush, Mulcahy

Southview High School


boot camp, Sylvania

Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc.  Then proceed to the track and/or field for running mixed with strength training.  Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.

1 reply
  1. Don Birsen
    Don Birsen says:

    EVENT: Band of Brothers

    PAX: John Denver, Oh Yea, Wooderson, Mayor, Tupac, Sideshow (Q)

    Run to Track (Normandy) 2, stations : Mountain Climbers, SSH, Flutter Kicks
    Run to Bleachers: Dips and Down on 3, Up on 1 Merkin (Carentan)
    Run to Tennis Courts (Bastogne) for Suicides with Burpees at end
    Back to Home parking lot (Hagenau) Partners combined reps,
    200- SSH
    200 – Big Boys
    200 – Merkins
    While other Pax runs half length of lot
    Reach Eagles Nest where we completed the ABS: Flutter Kicks, LBC

    COT: Honoring the WWII vets and vets and active duty and recognizing the sacrifices made
    Some history surrounding the story line of Band of Brothers.
    many parallels with F3


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