The Fuse (Southview HS)
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Date(s) - 02/03/2024
7:00 am - 7:45 am
The Q:
Boo Boo
Southview High School
Where it all started! Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc. Then proceed to the track and/or field for running mixed with strength training. Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.
SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at local restaurant (changes periodically, they will announce location typically in the COT after the beatdown). Great opportunity to get to know members of F3 Toledo and refuel from the workout.

The Day The Music Died
Q: Nougat
Pax: Nougat, Boo Boo, Gas Man, Mr. Rogers, Wooderson, Tupac
– 5 core principles
– Always Free
– Always Outside (no matter rain, wind, or snow)
– Open to all men
– Lead by a member of the Pax in a rotation fashion (I am not certified or trained, You vs You)
– Ends in a Circle of Trust
– Mission – “To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”
– Credo – “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him.”
Warm Up:
– Chain Breaker IC
– Abe Vagodas IC
Extended Warmup
– Jog to each cone
– 10 Imperial Walkers
– LT Dans Got Legs to get back
– Jog to each cone
– 10 Meat Scissors
– UpTowns to get back
Partner Work w/ a Block
– 200 Block Curls – BC
– 200 Kettle Bell Swings TT – LT Dans Got Legs
– 200 Overhead Press – Uptowns
– 200 Block Squats – Mosey/4 Burpees
– 100 Block Merkins – Karaoke
– 200 Klinger Kicks (holding block) 2:1 – 180 Degree Squats TBT
– 50 Man Makers – Farmer Carry
Partner goes to specified cone & back while other performs Reps
Yoga cooldown
– Swan dive
– forward fold
– Tiger in grass
– Spinal twist
COR (6)
6: Boo Boo – EH by BVVR, loves the brotherhood
Announcements: Golf Simulator, Millions Crab
Prayers: Healing, Thankfulness, Gratitude for our ability to be active, Thoughtful Impact, and making the most out of today.
Honored to lead!
The year of the Dragon
14 brave souls arrived at 7 am at the fuse to celebrate the new Chinese Year.
Five core principles were presented. The work out included running in a straight line forming a dragon run , by running in between guys. Sixteen different exercises were completed throughout the run.
PAX included: Ozzie, Brita, Boo-boo, Tupac, Gasman, Mr Belding, Trinity, Smails, Ollie, Speedo, Coronel, Sipe, Splinter, and Cogsworth.
At the end the COT was completed and celebrated Tupac’ 61st birthday.