Rivercrest Park (The Gauntlet)
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Date(s) - 10/08/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Rivercrest Park
boot camp, Perrysburg
Bootcamp style workout. Huge AO! 1/2 mile and .9 mile track. 2 Large pieces of playgroup equipment for pullups and hanging exercises. Over half a dozen soccer and lacrosse fields. The possibilities are endless for your Monday beatdowns!
The First Monday of each month will be a Murph workout in honor of Lt. (SEAL) Michael Murphy.
Rain Dance
PAX: Dutch, Tupac, Landslide, Casper, Venom, Crab Legs, Coal, Mile High, Chanel, FNG Schnapps, Woodstock
Q: Woodstock
FNG Schnapps was EH’d by Bourbon, even though Bourbon was not present (will forgive him, apparently he did something hard this past weekend 😉
Went over the 3F’s, Mission, Principles, and Disclaimer.
Mosey to hill.
Enlisted Casper to lay out cones at 20yrds while relaynig the Thang to PAX. Caspers 20 yards are much further than Q’s 20 yards, so an audible was called for round 2.
R – Ranger Merkins
A – Air Squats
I – Imperial Walkers
N – No Clap Burpees (Hey, there arent many that start with N)
Round 1 – Sprint up hill, 10 reps R, down hill, repeato for A, I, N. Hold plank for 6.
Round 2 – was bear crawl from path to cone (20 yards), 20 reps R, bear crawl back. Audibled to bear crawl to cone at 40 yards, 20, mosey back. Repeat for A, I, N.
Round 3 – 1 lap (~1/4 mile), 30 reps R, repeato for A, I, N.
Mosey to parking lot grassy knoll. Mary: Plank jack, flutter kicks, peter parker, lbc, plank.
COT – COR, NOR, 6 was Dutch, Named the FNG, announcements and intentions.
Twas a great, foggy & soggy beatdown. Thanks for posting!