Workout at the Wall (aka Riverside Park)
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Date(s) - 08/31/2017
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Riverside Park
boot camp, Perrysburg
Boot camp style workout. On the River. Amazing way to watch the sun come up and start the day with sweat pouring over your rejuvenated soul. Some ramps, lots of steps, a little concrete, a little grass, all the fixens for beautifully scripted beatdown!
Have to park at Hood Park, Downtown Perrysburg, or one of the side streets (i.e. Cherry, Walnut, or Second Street).
The Iron Mountain
QIC: Stark
PAX: Crab Legs, Tots, Virus, Shrinkage, Sparkles, Shingles, Baxter, Peepers, Charmin, Cobra, Zig Zag, ButterMaker, Monopoly, Stark
The Thang: The Iron Mountain
The object is to climb the ladder of exercises with each increases by 10 reps. And for the bonus, to scale the Iron Mountain, you have to run up the 60+ steps to the top of the Wall and back down before you start your next exercise. If you scale all 13 levels…REPEATO and come back down the mountain. Yes, level 13 is repeated twice in a row.
10 – Side Plank Burpees
20 – Burpees
30 – Plank Up-Downs
40 – Lunge Chops with weights, 20 per leg
50 – Australian Push-Ups
60 – Flutter Kick Squats
70 – Single Leg Flys with Weights
80 – Skaters
90 – Nose Breakers
100 – Curls
110 – Flutter Kicks with Weights
120 – Skiers with Wieghts
130 – SSH (Side Shuffle Hops) aka Jumping Jacks
If you complete it all it is over 1800 reps and 1800 steps….Nobody finished in 45 mins. But 4 men got to the top.
Count-O-Rama/Name-O-Rama/Ball O’ Man
Prayers and Thoughts were sent out to: Hurricane Harvey victims, marriages in struggle, cancer support and some positive thoughts about the new babies coming to first time dads.
Stark led the prayer at the end.