Riverside Park (The Wall)
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Date(s) - 06/21/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Riverside Park
boot camp, Perrysburg
Boot camp style workout. On the River. Amazing way to watch the sun come up and start the day with sweat pouring over your rejuvenated soul. Some ramps, lots of steps, a little concrete, a little grass, all the fixens for beautifully scripted beatdown!
You have to park at Hood Park, Downtown Perrysburg, or one of the side streets (i.e. Cherry, Walnut, or Second Street).
Date: 06/21/2018
Time: 5:30 – 6:15 AM
Location: The Wall – RiverSide Park
Q: Bourbon
PAX: 15 total – Bambi, Casper, Gipetto, Woodstock, Chanel, Ponzi, Flo, Hazmat, Coal, TuPac, Landslide, Dutch, Spaulding, Moana, Bourbon (Q)
F3 Mission: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith; To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership
Principles of F3:
• It must be free of charge
• It must be open to all men
• It must be held outdoor, rain or shine, hot or cold
• It must be peer led in a rotating fashion by men who participate in the workout, with no training or certification necessary
• It must end with a Circle of Trust (COT)
Disclaimer Statement
• Rolling dice: PAX form a circle. Start with one PAX who rolls both dice. The first number corresponds to the exercise; the second
number is the number of base reps. The base reps will be multiplied by 10 for all except exercise 3 (sprints).
• For example: PAX rolls 1 and 3 = exercise one for 30 reps (3 reps x 10 multiplier).
• Entire PAX suffers the same routine based on each roll and gives 100% until 50% of PAX completes the exercise reps.
• Once you complete the exercise, you plank in the middle until 50% of PAX are planking. Once 50% complete, we move to the next
member of the circle and repeato.
o Exercise 1: Merkins
o Exercise 2: Side Straddle Hops (4 count, in cadence)
o Exercise 3: Sprints
o Exercise 4: Lt. Dans
o Exercise 5: Burpees
o Exercise 6: Carolina Dry Docks
Actual Work Done:
• In order:
o Lt. Dan 40
o Carolina Dry Dock 30
o Side Straddle Hop (in cadence, 4-count) 30
o Carolina Dry Dock 30
o Sprints 2
o Carolina Dry Dock 40
o Side Straddle Hop (in cadence, 4-count) 10
o Sprints 5
o Burpees 10
o Sprints 3
o Burpees 30
o Side Straddle Hop (in cadence, 4-count) 10
o Sprints 2
o Burpees 20
o Carolina Dry Dock 10
o Burpees 20
o Sprints 6
• Totals:
o Burpees 80
o Carolina Dry Dock 110
o Lt. Dan 40
o Side Straddle Hop (in cadence, 4-count) 50
o Sprints 18
Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama
The sixth: Ponzi
COT / Prayers and Intentions: Those struggling with mental and physical ailments, their recovery, their families; Unspoken prayers; Thankful for mental and physical abilities God has gifted us with to workout together.