Northview High School (Faith Hill)
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Date(s) - 06/04/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
Date(s) - 06/04/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
QIC – Elena (I have to admit I forgot I Q’d a ruck not to long ago. It was however a VQ for a beatdown!)
PAX – 19 pipe hitters this morning ready to throw down! Mayor, Ticket, Hedgehog, Springs, Bluto, Motorboat, Mater, Mickey, Brute, Cousteau, Ollie, Colonel, Splinter, Ozzy, Bull, Glitch, Mailman, Scrouge, Elena
The Thang –
Warmed up with some SSH in cadence then moved on to Merkins in cadence. PAX then did a mosey lap around Northview to loosen up some more.
Today’s theme was get you some. With a good play list of Metallica in the background (thanks Hedgehog for the boombox!) the PAX split up into 4 groups. 4 Stations were setup around the AO today including: firehose battle ropes, bear crawl reach backs with rucks near the bottom of Mt. Doom, jump squat station, and finally a LBC station. Each group rotated through each station several times. I made an error grabbing some of the hose from the station and accidentally grabbed a section of 2 1/2 diameter hose which I’m sure was an unpleasant surprise to whoever ended up with her!
The finisher today was “thunder burpees” AC/DC Thunderstruck was played at full tilt and whenever the word “thunder” was said everyone completed a burpee! I think that it totaled out to 33 or so.
Finished with know your 6 and a COT.
Prayer intentions were made for the troops, first responders, Mailman’s family.
I have to admit I was really nervous about taking on this Q. I have never done anything like that before so I was way out of my comfort zone. I had a blast and I hope you all did as well. I could not be more proud to be apart of this with all of you. I really truly feel like a better man, parent, husband, friend, you name it… I appreciate you all Aye!