Arbor Hills Jr. High
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Date(s) - 05/28/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Arbor Hills Jr. High
Beatdown style workout with your F3 Brothers. No better way to start off a Monday.
QIC – Stark
PAX – Modell, Gap, Dauber, Dollywood, Jimmy Dean, Rooster, Splinter, Trinity, Hacksaw, Turp
Well we are in week two of starting this new AO. Already in the Mumblechat the HC’s were evenly divided between the other Monday AO that was becoming problematic. I would say this split is working out nicely so far. Gap is one heck of a site Q already. The guys really look up to him and follow his lead. I can’t wait to see how quickly this site needs to split eventually because of Gap’s enthusiasm and leadership.
We recently experienced a metamorphic event for our Region in the form of the GrowRuck 009. We had 97 PAX from all over the Midwest come to Toledo and share in the gift and grind of F3. Of that 97, 57 were from the Toledo Region. And yes, I can officially say REGION. The leadership and growth of the men in Toledo has launched us into the spotlight of F3 Nation. They are watching how we do it now. And this past year proved our GrowRuck theme to the core – EQV – Esse Quam Vediri “To Be, Rather then Seem” Nobody, except us in Toledo, thought Toledo could hold its own as an F3 site. Well we are what we are, and not what the world thought. So how do we measure our success going forward? That is a dissertation for a future BB.
Today we are just going to look at Fitness growth. During the GrowRuck, Cadre Danny “F3 Linus” From Seattle gave us a nice taste of a welcome party fitness test at hour 10ish in the GrowRuck. He reiterated the importance of measuring our goals and pushing past them. In our PAX we seem to just show up and go to work. Rarely do we set any sort of benchmark for ourselves to achieve. So today’s workout was going to be an attempt at just that. “remember disclaimer – I am not a professional”
So I put together this series of known tests from other more seasoned organizations like the US Military, Spartan Racing, European Soccer, etc. for us to measure up against. The goal would be to set your baseline today, redo this workout again to see if we are growing in our abilities(of course we would have to do it in record setting heat if we want to control all parameters for a purely accurate scientific experiment…but who’s really counting)
Bench Mark
1.) Beep Test – Simple. Run 20 Meters. When you hear Beep, run back another 20M. The rounds get faster and faster until you are completely gassed. The beeps torment you. Every time you cross the 20M line and hope to have even 1 second to catch your breath “BEEP”…DAMN IT! Off we go again. This tests your VO2 capacity.
________ Level (PAX RECORDED THEIR OWN SCORE ON FORM PREMADE AND BROUGHT BY YHC). I always promise myself I am going to keep shit simple….NOPE.
2.) Army Physical Fitness Test – Army minimum requirement is 60 reps of each. Except I dont think you have to do a BEEP test right before you perform these…Oh well.
__________ Push-Ups 2 mins AMRAP
__________ Sit Ups. 2 mins AMRAP
3.) Burpee Test – 5 Min. AMRAP. Again a test of your VO2 capacity. Again, probably would score better if you didn’t just do a BEEP test and AMRAP Merkins and Situps…oh well.
__________ # Burpees
Check Your Results
• Trifecta level: 80+ burpees
• Beast level: 65+ burpees
• Super level: 50+ burpees
• Sprint level: Under 50 burpees
4.) Farmers’s Carry For Distance – 7 Mins. We had all sorts of weights. If all the previous parameters and tests could pass as a scientific method, this one through it all out the window. We had buckets of sand, sand bags, dumbbells, ruck plates all ranging between 30 and 45 pounds. Record own weight and distance around 400m track. I measured everything off with my eyeball so that is usually good within +/- .030 of an inch.
__________ Total Weight _________ Type of Weight
**Didn’t get to this last one due to time in the 45 min workout. Plan on keeping it for an hour workout**
5.) Ladder Up – 7 Min, As High as you can go
Burpee, Kick Through, Plank Jack
__________ Level
CR, NR, COT and the 6 was Rooster. Gap dropped one of the toughest prayer requests on us last week for a little 7 year old girl named RIley. She is in his son’s class and has cancer on her brain stem. She was only given a week to live at that point. They just told his son’s class the news and explained what would happen. I have a 7 year old daughter as well. I can’t imagine the pain of this and I thank the Lord every day for the health of our entire family. Gap gave an update that Riley was still hanging in there and just had her 8th birthday. There is much we(I) don’t understand about calling a little girl home so young, but we have to rely on each other and faith to find peace. Hug your kids or your mom and dad tonight.
Moleskin – Rooster finished Beep test last…level 10.4 or something and got 80+ burpees. Apparently his blood is made of pure O2… but he sucks at situps. Hacksaw’s farmer’s carry was pretty. Every time he set his weights down for a quick reset and I got close, he picked them up and basically sprinted away again. I think he was taunting me on purpose.
– Stark
I should also mention that 7 PAX, after a grueling workout and ready to spoil it with a donut and coffee from Tim Hortons, helped an elderly woman with a flat tire. She was a mother and wife of a veteran. We dropped our donuts and sprang to action as if we were wearing capes. This group of men never blink at an opportunity to make this world a little better.