Atalanta *Fun* Running (Rivercrest Park)
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Date(s) - 01/31/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Site Q Triad - Boulder, Bambi, Moana
Atalanta *Fun* Run
Lots and lots of cardio and fat burn. Relays, Sprints, Laps around the AO…and usually some Ultimate Frisbee!
Park off Fort Meigs Road. NOT ECKLE JUNCTION
Today we had Bambi, Jenney,Woodstock, Bourbon, Tupac and Landslide. We initially stretched as we were going to sprint. Four cones were set up in a rectangle, 60 yards X 30 yards. We sprinted the 60yards and walked the 30 yards. At corner on,when it was reached, we did 25 merkins. At the second corner, we did 25 LBCs the first time and then 25 American Hammers the second time through. At the third cone. the first time through we did 25 Swimmer Merkins and the second time we did 25 Diamond Merkins. At the last cone, we did 25 Starfish Sit ups and the second time we did 25 V Sit Ups. We continued this rotation for 30 minutes. We then played Ultimate Frisbee for 20 minutes.