Atalanta *Fun* Running (Rivercrest Park)
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Date(s) - 03/07/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Site Q Triad - Boulder, Bambi, Moana
Atalanta *Fun* Run
Lots and lots of cardio and fat burn. Relays, Sprints, Laps around the AO…and usually some Ultimate Frisbee!
Park off Fort Meigs Road. NOT ECKLE JUNCTION
F3 Combine
PAX: Bourbon, Jennay, Rooster, Woodstock (Q)
3F’s, Mission, Principles.
“Are you ready for some Football!?” YHC is a HUGE fan of football, and personally finds the combine to be the coolest job interview ever. Since the NFL Combine just concluded, it was a perfect time to see if all those dreams and aspirations of making it big as a 5’6 160 lb’er could have ever come to fruition. We didnt have a dome, so we improvised with a parking lot, field, and precipitation.
YHC walked through the exercises we would be doing, and just briefly explained why they are used by the NFL. All combine exercises measure 3 physical attributes critical to success – power, explosiveness, and reaction. Additionally, and maybe just as important, they measure whether a prospect has the drive to succeed – while athleticism is an obvious requirement that all those prospects have, these specific drills can be significantly improved with persistent effort and determination. The biggest freak athlete will perform poorly without those two critical mental aspects. This translates to life, and is most eloquently captured by this quote from Calvin Coolidge:
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”
Warmup – YHC walked through the exercises and then all did 2 minutes of OYO stretching/getting loose and warm.
The thang:
40 yd dash x2
“Bench” – we substituted merkins OYO to failure.
3 cone drill x2
“Broad Jump” – we hit the up button and made these 10 broad jump burpees
5-10-5 Shuttle x2
“Vertical” – we hit the up button and made these 10 jump squats
All PAX completed at least 4 rounds, possibly 6* (YHC lost count – sorry, no refunds). YHC was absolutely unsure about how much smoke was going to result from this workout, but it indeed provided sufficient smoke for all PAX to feel it. 4 HIM’s pushing through the gloom on a challenging workout that pushed us in new ways to stimulate growth. That is why I love f3.
Ended in COT, offered up prayers for those posted and fartsacking, injury recovery, and asked God for patience, understanding, and that we always see our children through his eyes.
moleskin: Fellowship came into play here big time with only 4 PAX – discussions about kids and life while pushing each other to our limits. YHC came up limping after a 3 cone run – we all hate that, and we all try to fight through it but this workout was quite intense and focused on the explosion, which was clearly hobbling YHC and causing significant pain. PAX reminded YHC that the no one (not even my beloved, hapless Browns) were here, no one was getting drafted, and injuries suck. As Rooster put it, the roster is not going to be filled with 5’5″ 160 lb players. It was a welcome reminder and I did not complete the last round of 3 cone or shuttle to avoid further aggravation. knee is fine just sore, BTW.
If you read this, please post an AYE in PBG AO thread.