Buddy Bench (Arbor Hills Jr. High)

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Date(s) - 09/30/2019
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Arbor Hills Jr. High


boot camp, Toledo

Beatdown style workout with your F3 Brothers. No better way to start off a Monday.

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Those F%$#’in Lions

    Q – Dauber

    PAX – Klinger, Brita, Jimmy Dean, Beaker, Mayor, Bob Vance Vance Refrigeration

    The Thing – after Omahing original plan to use track and stands I unloaded coupons by doorway and took a warm up lap around the school. I was going to explain what we were doing and then my hammy started barking at me.
    Split PAX into 2 groups. A game of RockPaperScissors decided who would be the Lions(30 reps) and who would be the Chefs(34reps) -Here have Snickers)

    One team ran while other completed exercises – basically a team DORA but before each round a game of RPS would be completed to see who would be Lions or CHefs.

    1st round – Merkins/ Bonnie Blairs 1 is 1

    2nd – curls / Klinger Kicks

    3rd – Skull Crushers / Squats

    4th – Mountain Climbers 2 is 1 / Reverse LBCS

    5th – Burpees up and over cinderblocks ( until other team returned)

    Final Round – bear Crawl until you met other team which ran to corner and back…return the favor.

    5 Minutes of Hail Mary

    CoR, NoR, Old school CoT – with a reflection on fathers and sons


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