Bushwood (Ottawa Park Golf Course)
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Date(s) - 04/13/2023
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
The Situation
Ottawa Park @ Toledo Police Museum
Bootcamp Style Workout.
Lucky number 13
Q: Ricky Bobby
Pax: Wild Sprayer, Cobra Commander, Ricky Bobby
F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
5 core principles
Always free
Always outside
Open to all men
Led by members of the group in a rotating fashion
Always ends in a circle of trust
Mission: to plant grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership
Credo: leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him
We started with a warmup consisting of side straddle hops, slow windmills, tempo merkins, and chain breakers
For the workout I set up 4 different stations with 4 exercises at each station. Rep count was 13. The stations were all around the amphitheater so between stations we ran the stairs. The first time around, we only did the first work out, and each time around we added one until we did all four. The exercises were:
Station 1 – merkins, Carolina dry docks, dips, Mike Tyson’s
Station 2 – squats, step ups, calf raises, burpees
Station 3 – LBC’s, gas pumps, X factors, crunchy frogs
Station 4 – Superman’s, good mornings, hip thrusts, swimmers
Ended with COR, NOR, COT
Always a pleasure to lead
Wolf Pack Strength (Stone Wolfe)
Round 1
Jack Webbs – (merkins and air press) ratio 1to4 go to 10 merkins and 40 AP
Plank for six
Indian run
Round 2
House of Pain – (jump squat and lunge) ratio 1to4 go to 10 JS. and 40 Lunges
Al Gore for six
Indian run
Round 3
Captain Thor – (BBS and American Hammer) ratio 1to4 go to 10 BBS and 40 American Hammers
Crunchy frogs for six
Indian run
In Attendance
Nougat, Chubbs, Oglethorpe, Cousteau, Floppy, Cash Money, Waldo, Dr. Bruce Banner, Doubtfire, Gas Man
Q – Gasman
6 – Chubbs
6 talk – Chubbs talked about loving the group accountability and fellowship that F3 offers. Also loves to see that more guys are joining in the area and how many site options there are each an everyday.