Close Park (The Oasis)

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Date(s) - 01/26/2019
6:30 am - 7:30 am

The Q:

Close Park


boot camp, Toledo

Boot camp style workout.

Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc.  Then proceed to the playground equipment and/or field for running mixed with strength training.  Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.

SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Executive Diner on Sylvania.

1 reply
  1. Jimmy Dean
    Jimmy Dean says:

    The Executive Diner Oasis Bowl

    12 PAX: (Q) Jimmy Dean, Patriot, Huffy, Gap, Dauber, Hustle, Flo, Romano, Avalanche, Socrates, Rocko, Poodle

    After going over the mission of F3 and the 5 core principles, the PAX got to work. The Executive Diner Oasis Bowl commenced a touch late with YHC yelling at the PAX to get out to the field and circle up so we could get moving.

    The running back drills went off without a hitch, just a lot of mumble chatter about how the Q made them do too many burpees or lunges or whatever. We all got stronger anyway.

    The passing drills became much more impressive as there was less complaining and more cheering for the amazing catches some of the PAX had. The halftime adjustments went over well with the only mumble chatter being thankfulness for the Pickle Pounders. Apparently, many men were out of practice at home.

    The second half saw much improvement as we split into teams and played two-hand touch schoolyard football. The odds versus evens with the evens coming out on top with a last-minute throw and catch from Huffy to Hustle for the win. After that, we circled up.

    Next was COR and NOR. Our KT6 was Rocko, and he shared his gratefulness for the group and how the accountability of the group has brought him from 1 day a week to 3 days a week.

    In the COT, prayers were lifted up for Venezuela and the situation there.

    Always an honor to lead this group of men! Aye!


    Pre-Game Warm-Up
    O-21’s – did twice, both times with a 5-burpee penalty

    1st Quarter
    Partner running drills – one person carries football to far cone and back, other person does BLIMPS exercises until partners do full count
    Burpees x 100
    LBC x 100
    Imperial Walkers x 100
    Merkins x 100
    Plank Jacks x 100
    Squats x 100
    PAX also took turns carrying a cinder block down and back one time before passing it down the line. The F3 “football” made it down the line and back, resulting in each PAX carrying it two times.

    2nd Quarter
    Receiver drills – 1 person is QB 1 is receiver. Receiver runs route and QB tries to throw a complete pass. Incomplete pass = 5 burpees for QB & Receiver. The pair then changed roles.
    While each pair was doing their passing drills, the rest of the PAX did miscellaneous exercises while we waited our turns: LBCs, windshield wipers, Burt Reynolds, etc.

    Halftime Adjustments
    Bear crawl down to first cone, sprint to the second, 25 Pickle Pounders
    Repeato on the way back

    3rd & 4th quarters
    No huddle touch football game; split into teams
    4 downs to get 1st down at first cone, new set to score
    3 SSH before defensive rush
    If O scores, defense does 5 burpees
    If turnover, offense does 5 burpees
    Switch sides
    Repeat until time is up


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