Close Park (The Oasis)
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Date(s) - 04/07/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Close Park
Boot camp style workout.
Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc. Then proceed to the playground equipment and/or field for running mixed with strength training. Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.
SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Executive Diner on Sylvania.
4/7/2018 Romano’s Ruck
QIC: Romano
PAX: Modell, Gap, Socrates
The Thang:
The group rucked 3.3 miles through West Toledo…they zigged past Romano’s first childhood home, then zagged past his other.
Along the way, Socrates shared wisdom about understanding those from other cultures, based on his own experience. The most powerful of these experiences had to do with his wife’s experience as an English tutor for a Muslim family. Socrates spends time with his wife’s students, and is immersed in other cultures while doing so…
F3 Toledo is lucky to have folks with this type of experience.
The Ruck ended at The Oasis with prayer intentions for understanding and praise for Romano’s grandfather…and praise from Romano for the support he has received from the group throughout his time.
4/7/2018 The Rudy Wade Experience
QIC: Romano
PAX: Gap, Modell, Socrates, The Colonel, Brute
The Thang:
Rudy Wade was a trainer for Romano at BGSU. He is now the strength coach at Iowa State. The workout was a collection of Rudy Wade’s greatest hits circa 2002.
High Knees/Buttkicks/Lunge to Hamstring stretch/Side Lunge/2 reps of 3/4 sprint to full sprint (25 yards each)
Part 1:
Terrible 20’s
2 Groups of 3. 100 yard field measured out, one group on each side.
Group 1: 20 push-ups/sprint to other end/19 sit-ups/sprint to other end/18 push-ups/sprint to other end/17 sit-ups…etc., down to 0
Group 2: 20 sit-ups/sprint to other end/19 push-ups/sprint to other end…etc. down to 0
Part 2:
110 Test
8 110 yard sprints, timed. Each sprint needed to be completed in 15 seconds. The PAX completed each in time….last sprint was 220 yards, 30 seconds.
Part 3:
Ab Circuit
20 toe touches
20 right hand to left foot
20 left hand to right foot
20 LBC’s
20 Bicycles
20 Sit-Ups
20 Toe Touches
Prayer Intentions: Praise for F3 from Romano/thank you for support! Praise for Socrates and the great perspective he offered us.