Close Park (The Oasis)
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Date(s) - 05/26/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Close Park
Boot camp style workout.
Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc. Then proceed to the playground equipment and/or field for running mixed with strength training. Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.
SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Executive Diner on Sylvania.
“Speed Ruck”: Pre-Beatdown Ruck
Date: 05/26/2018
Time: 5:15 AM – 6:15 AM
Location: “The Oasis” @ Close Park
QIC: Modell
PAX: 4 total – Gap, Socrates, Dauber, Modell
Welcomed the PAX and opened up with the 5 principles of F3. Set a goal of 4 miles (15 min./mi.) and stepped off to hit the target. The somewhat triangular route took the PAX north-west on Tremainsville, south down Douglas, east on Sylvania until the Jackman-Sylvania-Tremainsville intersection was reached and then north-west again up Tremainsville.
This was the fateful route taken a week before the GrowRuck when Modell rolled his ankle. However, defying all past odds of chance, the PAX took this route once again to complete the 4 mile target. With an extra lap around the neighborhood surrounding the Oasis and a lap around Close Park, the PAX hit 4 miles in 65 minutes. Mission Accomplished!
COT: Count-o-Rama. Name-o-Rama. Prayer intentions were put on hold until post Beatdown, however, prayers were put up for So-crates and his newly married sister and brother in-law, seeing as though he would need to depart before the end of the Beatdown to attend graduation for TCS.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
“I Love Saturdays” Beatdown
Date: 05/26/2018
Time: 6:30 AM – 7:30 AM
Location: “The Oasis” @ Close Park
QIC: Modell
PAX: 9 total (including 2 FNGs) – Gap, Socrates, Dauber, Dijon, Gadget, Meatloaf, Lone Star – FNG, Spike Lee – FNG, Modell
After the PAX had regrouped from the pre-beatdown ruck, Modell called the morning to order. Both Dauber and Modell EH’d an FNG – Spike Lee and Lone Star, respectively – so Modell explained in more detail the F3 principles and the ability to modify as needed in this you-vs-you environment.
– The PAX circled up to start a number of stretches to kick off the morning. After a few sets of stretches were complete, the PAX took a light lap around the AO.
Rapid Fire:
– The PAX circled up in the grass and performed 6 bread and butter F3 exercises. With 2 FNGs present, attention was given to ensure the workout was simple, tough, and full of opportunities for modifications. Rapid Fire consisted of American Hammers, Big Boy Sit Ups, Side Straddle Hops, Jump Squats, Plank Jacks, and Merkins. These were done in a 4 count-cadence with 12-15 reps of each exercise. Modell demo’d and explained each exercise to the FNGs.
After Rapid Fire was complete, the PAX took a mosey over to Start High School. Once at Start, the PAX performed the Parking Lot Hop.
Parking Lot Hop:
– The PAX performed a series of exercises going up and down the parking lot rows at Start HS as follows: Lunges down row 1, walk around the end cap, Side-Shuffle down row 2, walk around the end cap, Back Peddle down row 3, walk around the end cap, and then walk down row 4. This was repeated coming back the opposite direction. With new PAX on the scene, this gave some much needed recovery time for the men posting for the first time.
One complete with Parking Lot Hop, the PAX took a mosey back to Close Park. Modell stayed back with the 6 while the rest of the PAX ran ahead, performing pull-ups and other exercises on the jungle gym until Modell and the 6 arrived.
Rapid Fire Round 2:
– A second round of rapid fire was completed just like the first, except in reverse order. The PAX performed all 6 exercises in a 4-count cadence: Merkins, Plank Jacks, Jump Squats, Side Straddle Hops, Big Boy Sit Ups, and American Hammers.
To finish out the last 5 minutes, the PAX performed a Walk-Run Flutter-Dip.
Walk-Run Flutter-Dips:
– The PAX started at a light pole and performed 33 Flutter Kicks (2-is-1), ran to the landscaped tree box to perform 33 Tricep-Dips, and then walked back to the light pole to perform 33 Flutter Kicks. This was done 6 times until 99 reps of Flutter Kicks and 99 reps of Tricep Dips were completed. The walk and run to each exercise post gave the PAX an opportunity to catch their breath and work on speed bursts. Once the first PAX got to 33, everyone stopped where they were and moved to the next exercise.
Once complete, the PAX moseyed back to the shovel-flag.
COT: Count-o-Rama. Name-o-Rama. Know Your 6 – Gap talked about his appreciation for F3, the friendships he’s made and the value it adds to his life and that he’s able to add to the lives of others through it. He got his F3 name because of the gap between his older sons (in their 20s) and his youngest (a 2nd grader)! FNG – Marcus was given the name Lone Start because he was born in Texas and was heading to the shooting range after the Beatdown. FNG – Charlie was given his name, Spike Lee, because he kept saying he was working to “do the right thing” as a man, etc.
Prayer intentions – Young Riley and her family, the troops, and others.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!