Close Park (The Oasis)
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Date(s) - 08/18/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Close Park
Boot camp style workout.
Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc. Then proceed to the playground equipment and/or field for running mixed with strength training. Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.
SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Executive Diner on Sylvania.
Oasis Q: Meatloaf
Pax: Dauber, Socrates, Glitch, Avalanche, Rocco
F3: mission, core principles, disclaimer
10’s: Exercises from on each end of trees, roughly 30 yards apart
-10 burpees, 0 BBSU then run to other end
-9 burpees, 1 BBSU
go back and forth until 0 burpees, 10 BBSU
Group (Half) Murph: 2 groups of 3
-2 members do exercises while 3rd member runs approximately 100 yards out and then back as rest
-Once that member returns, another makes the run
-Continue rotating one member out until the task is completed
50 pull ups
100 push ups
150 air squats
Abs (each person took a turn leading): American Hammers, X-Man, hold six inches off ground, LBC’s