Fortress Ruckus – 2 Hour
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Date(s) - 01/06/2018
5:00 am - 7:00 am
The Q:
Fort Imagination
Like rucking? Not getting enough distance in the one hour Tuesday Rucks? Then come to the Fortress for our Saturday 2 HOUR Ruck. Cover more distance. Carry heavy stuff longer. Lead a group of men through greater challenges.
BB Ruck 1/6/2018:
Q : “Tots”
PAX: Moana, Bourbon, Stark, Shakira, Jennay, Wake, Bambi, Flo, Monopoly
F3 Mission and core principles
Theme: Washingtons Men
40#, 60#Sandbags, Two Kettlebells 25# and 35#
Rucked to WW Knight Nature Preserve, had a moment of reflection, and reiterated to
the PAX that we become better men by doing hard things, and that over the winter
we will become stronger and more resilient.
Just like Washingtons Men at Valley Forge.
Did 10 Burpees.
Rucked Back to the “Fortress”
Did several rounds of sommersaults and snow angels in the snow followed up by
sit-ups, push-ups, burpees, side-straddle hop in cadence.
Ended with COT