Fortress Ruckus – 2 Hour
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Date(s) - 02/03/2018
5:00 am - 7:00 am
The Q:
Fort Imagination
Like rucking? Not getting enough distance in the one hour Tuesday Rucks? Then come to the Fortress for our Saturday 2 HOUR Ruck. Cover more distance. Carry heavy stuff longer. Lead a group of men through greater challenges.
2/3/18 Backblast
– Jennay, Stark, Shakira, Tupac
Opened with Mission statement and 5 core principals.
Moved to a brief discussion on difference between good pride and bad pride. Pride in what you do vs. being too prideful to ask for help. Goal for the ruck would be to carry the 60lb sandbag as long as you could muster and not be too prideful to ask for help when you need it. No timer would be set for rotation, only asking for help could take the load off your shoulders.
Rucked for just under 6 miles with the first hour around downtown Perrysburg area and the second half around the track at Woodlands park.
Closed with COT and Jennay was 6th.