Fortress Ruckus – 2 Hour
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Date(s) - 03/24/2018
5:00 am - 7:00 am
The Q:
Fort Imagination
Like rucking? Not getting enough distance in the one hour Tuesday Rucks? Then come to the Fortress for our Saturday 2 HOUR Ruck. Cover more distance. Carry heavy stuff longer. Lead a group of men through greater challenges.
Morning Ruck in the Burg
Q- Rooster
PAX- Flo, Peepers, Coal, Tupac, Bourbon, Woodstock, Socrates, Casper, Tots, Huffy, Mercy
The Thang: Coupon Ruck. PAX was instructed to choose a partner and they would stick with that partner throughout the ruck. Partner coupons were as follows:
– 1 3/4″ 75′ length of fire hose and 5′ supply line firehose 75′ long.
– Two cube water jugs weighing approx. 45lbs each.
– 4 approx 6′ in diameter logs in average length of 6′.
The Q was kind enough to de-bark the logs the day previous to avoid shoulder carnage.
-Ruck with coupons to the WALL. Distance of 1.4 miles. PAX was instructed to rotate coupons at their leisure.
– At the wall: Hill bear crawl with ruck drag between legs, At top of hill, crawl bear backwards down ramp to stairs. If crawl bear became unsafe due to fatigue, backward lung was modified move. Walk backwards down stairs. HOLD HAND RAIL
– Circle up at bottom. First to 50 with a partner. Once a team reaches 50 reps the PAX can stop. Exercises were as follows with Rucksacks on: Merkins, Air squats with Ruck overhead, Flutter kicks with ruck out in front
– PAX instructed to grab coupons and get them up the hill working together as a team. Once on top of the hill, carry coupons down ramp to stairs and down stairs
-Circle up at bottom: Round 2 of first to 50 with a partner. Merkins, Lunges 1-1, Flutter Kicks
– Pick up coupons, climb to base of tall retaining wall area. Get everyone over the wall with coupons. PAX was given freedom to accomplish this task however they saw fit. Teamwork was quickly employed and a plan set in place. Two of the more limber members scaled the wall, all rucks were lifted up the wall followed by coupons. Safety concerns were monitored by the Q to avoid any trees to the face. PAX members lifted each other with hands and knees and assisted all members over the wall. The team work showed by all was strong and all members made it safely over the wall.
– Carry coupons over to stairs and traverse rail. Carry coupons down the stairs
– Round 3 of First to 50
Ruck back
COR, NOR, 6, Prayer
This ruck was a tough one. There wasn’t really a break with any of the coupons and all members worked their tails off to get the job done. Well done men.