Moon Tower (University of Toledo – University Hall)

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Date(s) - 12/07/2020
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

University of Toledo (Moon Tower)


boot camp, Toledo

Beatdown style workout with your F3 Brothers. No better way to start off a Monday.

Park on Drummond, Goddard or Meadowwood and meet in front of the clock tower at University Hall.

1 reply
  1. Mercy
    Mercy says:

    PAX: Ticket, Scrooge, Dr. Nick, Wild Sprayer, Nougat, Beaker, Patch, Coop, Jimmy Dean, Romano, Bluto, Sipe, Wheeze (FNG), Pinewood, Moana, Cobra Commander, Gap, Sideshow, Bob Vance Vance Refrigeration, Hedgehog, Mercy (Q)
    Intro, Mission, 5 principles,

    Warmup: Warmup lap.

    TSwfit Playlist. Only the best music at F3 Beatdowns.

    Split up into teams of 5. With 21, There was a team of 6.

    1. Burpee relay. 5 minutes to get maximum burpees as a team, only 1 team member allowed to do burpees at a time. This was a competition.

    2. Team work. As a team, 10 laps around the same path we did warm up lap, 200 merkins, 200 big boi situps, 200 Lt Dans.

    3. Burpee relay again. This time, it was emphasized you vs you. All challenged to beat their first number. All teams did beat their number.

    4. Team work. As a team, 10 laps, 200 inch worms, 200 jump squats, 200 flutter kicks.

    Had to call time before finishing up #4. The inch worms take time and are work.

    Always enjoy being able to lead, and humbled by enthusiasm and vigor of the PAX that showed up. I did not expect 20 men to join me on a brisk, chilly Monday at 0530, but it was great to see some old faces and many new. I hope to be back to the Moon Tower soon. Great AO. Great location. Great potential.

    COT, with Patch as the 6.


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