Northview High School (Faith Hill)
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Date(s) - 11/06/2017
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
Date(s) - 11/06/2017
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
11/6/2017 Faith Hill Backlist
An unexpectedly warmish morning greeted us today, and actually made it a perfect temperature to get some hard work in! Heavy rains from yesterday had no impact on the AO so it was off to the races!
PAX: The Colonel, Mater, The Mayor, Scrooge, Mr. Belding, Pixar, Gadget (Respect), Gap, Glitch, Kitty, Worm, Cogsworth, Dauber, Ozzie, Trapeze, Trinity, Ollie, Hacksaw, Hustle, Brita, The Mickey, Sideshow (Respect), Splinter, Wake, and your grateful QIC – Klinger
The Thang: 25 well-disciplined men posted at Faith Hill today. Always hard to answer that bell on Monday morning, but congratulations for starting the day off right! We started with the core principles and added a disclaimer, then went straight into the workout.
Warm Up: 5 exercises to get the blood flowing and muscles ready to exert themselves. All done in a COP and all done IN CADENCE!
1. Windmill x 15
2. Cross Country Skier x 16
3. Ski Jumper x 16
4. Imperial Walker x 15
5. Side Straddle Hop x 25
Mosey to bottom of hill near the big tree by the entrance to Faith Hill from Silica Dr.
We partnered up (stronger runner with a not so stronger runner), and YHC provided the explanation for Dora 1,2,3. There were 2 cones placed along the top of Faith Hill, and 2 cones and one shovel flag at the bottom. Starting near the tree, Partner 1 navigated through the cones by running up to the next cone, down to the next cone, up again, down this time to the shovel flag, then up again to the top, and finally followed along the parking lot back to the start. In total, it was a 1/4 mile loop. As Partner 1 was running, Partner 2 was performing exercises in this fashion: 100 Merkins, 200 LBC’s, and 300 Squats. Once Partner 1 was done with his lap, Flapjack, and Partner 2 ran while Partner 1 did the exercises. A running total was kept between the partners until the desired number of repetitions was performed for each exercise. Heard lots of encouragement being shouted and a bit of heavy breathing!!
Mosey to top of hill and explanation for Bucket Brigade was given by YHC. Men were divided into 3 teams of 8. Each team lined up shoulder to shoulder heading down Faith Hill. Each team was given a sandbag (TClaps to the team with the 60 lbs!!) and the man at the top of the hill started with it. He passed it to the man next to him, and then ran to the front of the line. This progression continued until the sandbag made it to the bottom of Faith Hill. Once there, reverse direction and do the same thing all the way back to the top.
After a brief moment of indecision by YHC, we moseyed back to start point of Dora 1,2,3. Kept the same partners and did a Repeato of Dora, this time with 50 Merkins, 100 LBC’s, and 200 squats, and we ran half of the cones. With some sharp time-keeping by The Mickey, we stopped a bit short of completion and headed back to the shovel flag for the COT.
COT: Countarama (inspired by The Colonel!) and Namearama commenced. Prayer intentions were voiced for the victims of the shooting in Texas, Worm’s co-worker that’s going through cancer treatment, and for Brita’s father who’s also going through cancer treatment. Respect to all the brave men and women serving our country and keeping us safe. BOM was led by YHC.
I know it gets said a lot, but it truly is an honor to have the opportunity to lead a workout with this group of men. Thanks for posting and pushing yourselves to get better! Aye!!
You da man, sir!
I solute you, sir.
Great Q Klinger. You have been a great leader for our PAX since the beginning.