Northview High School (Faith Hill)
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Date(s) - 08/27/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
Date(s) - 08/27/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
Monday 8/27/18 – Faith Hill
To Fail is to Succeed
23 PAX posted for today’s beatdown, “To Fail is to Succeed.”
The idea for the day was a full body beatdown with five sets of a variety of merkins, five sets for legs, five sets of pullups, and five sets of core exercises. The last exercise at each station was to be done until failure or until it was time to switch stations. Station time was 8 minutes.
Mole was the Q and at 5:30am, we went through the 5 principles and instructed everyone to modify as needed. We started with a one mile run (two laps around the school and to the bottom of the hill). We sprinted the south side of the school along Silica Rd. and we sprinted up the hill on both laps. After the run, the PAX circled up and counted off by 4’s to separate into smaller groups. Each group did the following:
Merkins Station
20 Diamonds
25 Hand Release
30 Tailgaters (feet elevated on the tailgates of Hedgehog’s and Mole’s trucks)
40 Staggered (20 per side)
Max Standard Merkins until failure or time
Pullups station
Rotate turns on the pull up bar. Each set was done until failure.
Core Station
6 plank holds (Knee to elbow, knee to nose, knee to opposite elbow, 4 second hold in each position).
20 Big Boy Sit Ups
30 Side Plank Raises (15 per side)
40 Bicycles (slow)
Max Mountain Climbers until failure or time
Legs Station
15 Lieutenant Dans
20 Pendulums (10 per side)
25 Spiderman Squats
30 Bulgarian Squats (15 per side)
Max Basketball Lunges until failure or time
• Count-O-Rama: 23
• Name-O-Rama: Box, Motorboat, Splinter, Springs, Hacksaw, Hedgehog, Deuce, Froman, Link, Kitty, Mickey, Bogey, Glitch, Rose,
Colnel, Ollie, Scrooge, Cogsworth, Commodus, Bullock, Mailman, 1 FNG (Twig) and Mole.
• We had a birthday as Glitch turned 42. We knocked out 42 merkins in his honor….
• Know the 6: Box
• FNG – Steve Berry – Twig. We landed on Twig because we could not resist Twig paired with the last name.
• Prayer Intentions – We prayed for two families who are dealing with the sudden death of a loved one. Gave thanks for this group and
the opportunity to get together in the mornings. Asked for strength in leadership at home and at work.